J-GLOBAL ID:200901032438955540
Update date: Jan. 30, 2024
Aruga Koki
Aruga Koki
Research field (1):
Philosophy - Chinese, Indian, Buddhist
Research keywords (4):
, インド哲学
, Indian Philosophy
, S(]E87BC[)(]E8AD1[)khya
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
MISC (15):
有賀 弘紀. 到達作用説とサーンキヤ哲学文献. 仏教学. 2003. 45,91-111. 45. 91-111
Pr(]E87BC[)pyak(]E87BC[)ritva and S(]E87BC[)(]E8AD1[)khya Texts. Bukkyo-gaku. 2003. 45,91-111
ヴァィシェーシカ派の「実体」資料についての考察. 印度學仏教學研究. 2002. 50(2), 961-957
Some Notes on the Materials of Vaisesika Dravya. Journal of Indian and Buddmist Studies. 2002. 50(2), 961-957
「Yuktid(]E87C1[)pik(]E87BC[)とNy(]E87BC[)y(]E87BC[)gam(]E87BC[)nus(]E87BC[)ri(]E8AD2[)(]E87C1[)の記述についての覚書-S(]E87BC[)(]E8AD1[)khyak(]E87BC[)rik(]E87BC[)第15偈との関連から」. 『江島恵教先生追悼論集 空と実在』(CD版). 2000. 431-440
Books (2):
"Bondage in S(]E87BC[)(]E8AD1[)khya"
The Way to Liberation, Indological Studies in Japan, Japanese Studies on South Asia No.3(Manohar) 2000
"Critical Analyses of the Arguments Given in Support of the Existence of the Unevolved Nature(avyakta)"
Gave(]E8AD6[)a(]E8AD2[)(]E87BC[)(Eastern Book Linkers) 1995
Professional career (1):
- Master of Art (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (1):
- 2013 - 現在 The Eastern Institute
Awards (1):
- 2002 - Prize of the Japanese Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies
Association Membership(s) (2):
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