Research keywords (4):
, 光電子分光
, Soft X-ray Spectroscopy
, Photoelectron Spectroscopy
- 1980 - 2002 : 群馬大学教育学部 助教授、教授
- 1980 - 2002 : Associate Prof, and Prof, Faculty of
- 1974 - 1980 : 東北大学理学部 助手
- - 1980 : 1874-1980 Research Associate, Faculty of Sccience,
- 1969 - 1974 : 名古屋大学プラズマ研究所 助手
- 1969 - 1974 : Research Associate, Institute of Plasma
- 1967 - 1969 : 宮城教育大学 助手
- 1967 - 1969 : Research Associate, Miyagi University of
- Gunma University Faculty of Education, Science, Science Education Professor,Principal(The Offiliated Junior Hight School)
- Education, Gunma Univ
- Tohoku Univ
- Physics,
- Education,
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, 日本物理学会
, The Japanese Society for synchrotron Radiation Research
, The Physical Society of Japan