J-GLOBAL ID:200901032767590609
Update date: Sep. 06, 2022
Iwatsuki Hirohiko
イワツキ ヒロヒコ | Iwatsuki Hirohiko
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Research field (3):
, Developmental biology
, Cell biology
Research keywords (2):
, 超微組織化学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2006 - 末梢神経系の幹細胞の同定
1996 - 中間径フィラメントの機能と細胞分化への関与
MISC (54):
Hirohiko Iwatsuki, Masumi Suda. Transient expression of keratin during neuronal development in the adult rabbit spinal ganglion. ANATOMICAL SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL. 2010. 85. 1. 46-55
Hirohiko Iwatsuki, Masumi Suda. Transient expression of keratin during neuronal development in the adult rabbit spinal ganglion. ANATOMICAL SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL. 2010. 85. 1. 46-55
Hirohiko Iwatsuki, Masumi Suda. Keratin 20 expressed in the endocrine and exocrine cells of the rabbit duodenum. ACTA HISTOCHEMICA ET CYTOCHEMICA. 2007. 40. 4. 123-130
Hirohiko Iwatsuki, Masumi Suda. Keratin 20 expressed in the endocrine and exocrine cells of the rabbit duodenum. ACTA HISTOCHEMICA ET CYTOCHEMICA. 2007. 40. 4. 123-130
TAKEMOTO Takuji, SUDA Masumi, IWATSUKI Hirohiko, SASAKI Kazunobu. Human Labial Gland Duct Epithelium and sIgA Secretion : An Ultrastructural and Immunohistochemical Study. Kawasaki medical journal. 2005. 31. 1-2. 7-15
Books (4):
朝倉書店 ISBN:4254170556
朝倉書店 ISBN:425417084X
23. 咽頭.気管.気管支-最近のトピックス「組織学-組織化学的アプローチ」
朝倉書店 ISBN:4254310781
24. 肺-最近のトピックス「組織学-組織化学的アプローチ」
朝倉書店 ISBN:4254310781
Lectures and oral presentations (107):
Seven kinds of intermediate filament networks in the epithelial cells of the rabbit digestive system.
(第114回日本解剖学会総会・全国学術集会 2009)
(第50回日本組織細胞化学会総会・学術集会 2009)
(第112回日本解剖学会総会 2007)
(第48回日本組織細胞化学会総会 2007)
(第111回日本解剖学会総会 2006)
Education (4):
- 1970 Okayama University
- 1970 Okayama University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science
- 1968 Okayama University Faculty of Science Department of Biology
- 1968 Okayama University Faculty of Science
Professional career (1):
理学修士 (岡山大学)
Work history (6):
2004 - - 川崎医科大学医学部 基礎医学 解剖学 准教授
1980 - 1995 Kawasaki Medical School
1995 - - 川崎医科大学 助教授
1972 - 1980 Kawasaki Medical School
1970 - 1972 Okayama University
Kawasaki Medical School School of Medicine, Department of Medicine Associate Professor
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Committee career (1):
1996 - 日本解剖学会 学術評議員
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本電子顕微鏡学会
, 日本組織細胞化学会
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