J-GLOBAL ID:200901032800439326
Update date: Sep. 02, 2022
Nishimoto Kazuo
ニシモト カズオ | Nishimoto Kazuo
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Science education
Research keywords (2):
, Science of Physical Education
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 教科内容研究
- Establishment of Contents in Physical Education
MISC (47):
体育科における小・中学校一貫を目指した教育課程の研究. 平成10・11年度科学研究費成果報告書(基盤研究C). 2000
中学校における体育科教育の現状-大分県下の中学教員を対象として-. 大分大学教育福祉科学部研究紀要. 2000. 22. 1. 345-360
A Survey of the Current Physical Education in Secondary School-Questionnaire to Secondary School Teachers in Oita Prefecture-. The Reseuch Bulletin of The Faculty of Education and Welfare Science. 2000. 22. 1. 345-360
Kojou Ken-ichi, Nishimoto Kazuo, Ueki Yoshiaki. A survey of the current physical education in elementary school : questionnaire to elementary school teachers in Oita Prefecture. The research bulletin of the Faculty of Education and Welfare Science, Oita University. 1999. 21. 2. 395-410
Kojou Ken-ichi, Nishimoto Kazuo, Ueki Yoshiaki. A Survey of the Current Physical Education in Elementaly School-Questionnaire to Elementary School Teachers in Oita Prefecture-. The Reseuch Bulletin of The Faculty of Education and Welfare Science. 1999. 21. 2. 395-410
Books (3):
ナカニシヤ出版 1995
不昧堂 1994
Knowledge of Human Body and Wisdom of Sports
Education (1):
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 九州体育・スポーツ学会
, 日本体育学会
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