Research keywords (6):
, 地域社会比較研究
, イタリア地域社会研究
, Study on workers' cooperative movement.
, Comparative study on comunities
, Italian region study
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
Studies on Non-for profit business by the women in the rural society
Studies on Italian social cooperatives
Comparative studies (Japan, Italy, Russia) on the endogenous development and the reform of youth education in the society not heavy industrialized.
The Social Activities of the women in the rural Society and the construction of public spaces in the community. Association of Region and Community Studies "Annals of Regionand Community Studies. 2002. Vol. 14, 168-189
Experiment of AFR in Italy that organizes social partecipation responding to the specific needs in the local rural society. Kyodo on hakken. 2001. 107. 46-51
Interaction of the social economy, market and local goverment in Italy - in the case of social Cooperatives
The community and life reconstructed by the cooperation 2002
Viaggio nell'economia sociale;Studio comparativo fra tre esperienze in Giappone e in Italia
Dentro Il Terzo Settore - Alcuni perhce' dell'impresa sociale, Franco Angeli 2001