J-GLOBAL ID:200901033754596710   Update date: May. 12, 2024

Hiramatsu Kazuaki

ヒラマツ カズアキ | Hiramatsu Kazuaki
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Homepage URL  (2): http://www-water.bpes.kyushu-u.ac.jp/http://hyoka.ofc.kyushu-u.ac.jp/search/faculty2_j.cgi?&ID=K001582
Research field  (1): Rural environmental engineering and planning
Research keywords  (6): 水文学 ,  水理学 ,  水環境学 ,  Hydrology ,  Hydraulics ,  Water Environment
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (48):
  • 2018 - 2021 Hybrid Environmental Improvements in Closed Water Bodies Considering Hydraulic Characteristics of Water Quality Originated from Climatic and Geographic Factors
  • 2018 - 2020 Development of Watershed Management Models Integrating Land-and-sea Areas in the Scarce-data Watersheds of South-east Asian Developing Countries
  • 2015 - 2018 Advancement and Practical Application of Water Quality Improvement Technology by using LED Irradiation for Aquatic Environmental Preservation of Organically Polluted Water Body
  • 2016 - 2018 Development of aquatic environment restoration technique using the water surface cooling and cool water mass downwelling process in an organically polluted closed water body
  • 2011 - 2015 Development of Water Environment Analysis Models for Watersheds Including Land and Coastal Areas and Their Application to Optimal Integrated Watershed Management
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Papers (146):
  • Daoluang Honglikith, Masayoshi Harada, Kazuaki Hiramatsu, Toshinori Tabata, Akinori Ozaki. Anoxification recovery using underwater LED irradiation and influence of its optical spectrum on water quality improvement. PADDY AND WATER ENVIRONMENT. 2022. 20. 1. 153-175
  • Ren Yamamoto, Masayoshi Harada, Kazuaki Hiramatsu, Toshinori Tabata. Three-layered Feedforward artificial neural network with dropout for short-term prediction of class-differentiated Chl-a based on weekly water-quality observations in a eutrophic agricultural reservoir. PADDY AND WATER ENVIRONMENT. 2022. 20. 1. 61-78
  • Akihiro Fukuda, Toshinori Tabata, Kazuaki Hiramatsu, Masayoshi Harada. Analysis of Salinity Behavior in Hakata Bay after Heavy Rainfall Using a Three-dimensional sigma-Coordinate Model. JARQ-JAPAN AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH QUARTERLY. 2021. 55. 2. 137-146
  • Sai Hong Anh, Toshinori Tabata, Kazuaki Hiramatsu, Le Viet Son, Masayoshi Harada. Floodwater impacts on residential areas in floodplain areas along Day River system in emergency situation. JOURNAL OF THE FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE KYUSHU UNIVERSITY. 2021. 66. 1. 77-90
  • Sai Hong Anh, Toshinori Tabata, Kazuaki Hiramatsu, Masayoshi Harada. Flood Hazard Assessment of Residential Areas Outside Protected Area of the Red River Dike System in Hanoi, Vietnam. JARQ-JAPAN AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH QUARTERLY. 2021. 55. 2. 147-160
MISC (221):
Books (8):
  • 都市化が進行する農業流域における水資源の最適管理,九州大学東アジア環境研究叢書V「東アジア・東南アジアにおける農林水産業の持続的発展に資する生産基盤の環境保全と持続的開発」(九州大学東アジア環境研究機構生物生産環境グループ編著)
    花書院出版 ,福岡市 2015
  • 農業用水路における魚類の棲息環境と人工知能を用いた環境選好性の定量化
    [九州大学] 2007
  • 農業用水路における魚類の棲息環境と水理特性に関する研究
    [九州大学] 2004
  • 改訂5版農業土木標準用語辞典
    農業土木学会 2003
  • Parameter Estimation of the Storage Function Model Using Fuzzy Linear Regression Approach (a joint work)
    COMPUTATIONAL METHODS IN WATER RESOURCES, Proceedings of the XIV International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, Jun 23-28, Delft, The Netherlands, Volume 2: Edited by S. M. Hassanizadeh, R. J. Schotting, W. G. Gray and G. F. Pind・・・ 2002
Lectures and oral presentations  (249):
  • Development of long-term rainfall-runoff model and scenario analyses for water-saving effect in rice farming in the Ibague Watershed, Colombia
    (International Workshop on “Integrated Land & Water Management and Climate Change in Vietnam and Japan” between Vietnam National University of Agriculture and Kyushu University 2019)
  • Experimental Suppression of Phytoplankton Growth Employing Bactericidal Effects of Copper Ions under Eutrophic Conditions
    (International Workshop on “Integrated Land & Water Management and Climate Change in Vietnam and Japan” between Vietnam National University of Agriculture and Kyushu University 2019)
  • Seasonal Changes in Phytoplankton characteristics in a Hyper-eutrophic Water Area under Nitrogen Limitation
    (International Workshop on “Integrated Land & Water Management and Climate Change in Vietnam and Japan” between Vietnam National University of Agriculture and Kyushu University 2019)
  • Development of a Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Model Incorporated with Tank Models of Several Land Uses and Evaluation of Impact of Climate Change on Rainfall-Runoff in a Vietnamese Watershed
    (International Workshop on “Integrated Land & Water Management and Climate Change in Vietnam and Japan” between Vietnam National University of Agriculture and Kyushu University 2019)
  • Salinity Analysis for Tracking the Behavior of Large Freshwater Discharge into Hakata Bay Due to Heavy Rainfall Using a Three-Dimensional sigma-Coordinate Model
    (International Workshop on “Integrated Land & Water Management and Climate Change in Vietnam and Japan” between Vietnam National University of Agriculture and Kyushu University 2019)
Works (40):
  • 農業用水路における魚類の棲息環境と人工知能を用いた環境選好性の定量化
    2005 - 2006
  • Mathematical Quantification of Fish Habitat Environments in Agricultural Channels using Artificial Intelligence Techniques
    2005 - 2006
  • 低平農地域の洪水緩和機能の定量化と洪水予測手法の開発
    2004 - 2006
  • Quantitative Analysis Flood Mitigation Function of Flat Low-lying Agricultural Area and Development of Flood Runoff Prediction Method
    2004 - 2006
  • 汽水湖および淡水湖における水環境要素の動態特性と閉鎖性水域内の生態系モデルの開発
    2003 - 2006
Education (4):
  • - 1986 Kyushu University
  • - 1986 Kyushu University Graduate School, Division of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Engineering
  • - 1981 Kyushu University School of Agriculture
  • - 1981 Kyushu University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Engineering
Professional career (2):
  • Master of Agriculture (Kyushu University)
  • Doctor of Agriculture (Kyushu University)
Work history (13):
  • 2001 - 2005 Kyushu University Faculty of Agriculture
  • 2001 - 2005 Kyushu University,
  • 2005 - - 九州大学大学院農学研究院 教授
  • 2005 - - Kyushu University,
  • 2000 - 2001 Kyushu University Faculty of Agriculture
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Committee career (119):
  • 2020/05 - 2022/05 農業農村工学会 会長
  • 2017/12 - 2020/12 農業農村工学会 沢田賞選考委員会委員
  • 2019/06 - 2020/05 農業農村工学会 幹事
  • 2017/03 - 2019/12 農業農村工学会 改訂6版農業農村工学会標準用語事典(仮称)改訂委員会委員長
  • 2018/04 - 2019/03 九州大学 生産環境科学講座長
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Awards (5):
  • 2019/11 - ベトナム友好勲章
  • 2014/03 - 日本農薬学会 平成26年度論文賞(日本農薬学会)
  • 2005/08 - 農業土木学会 農業土木学会賞論文奨励賞
  • 2005 - 農業土木学会論文奨励賞
  • 2005 - 2005 JSIDRE Best Paper Award
Association Membership(s) (25):
The International Society of Paddy and Water Environment Engineering ,  Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering ,  日本雨水資源化システム学会 ,  International Association of Hydrological Sciences ,  信号処理学会 ,  応用生態工学会 ,  International Water Association ,  Japanese Society on Water Environment ,  日本海洋学会 ,  日本水産工学会 ,  Japanese Society of Hydrology and Water Resources ,  Japanese Society of Civil Engineers ,  農業土木学会 ,  Japan Rainwater Catchment Systems Association ,  International Association of Hydrological Sciences ,  Research Institute of Signal Processing Japan ,  Ecology and Civil Engineering Society ,  International Water Association ,  Japan Society of Water Environment ,  The Oceanographic Society of Japan ,  The Japanese Society of Fisheries Engineering ,  The Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources ,  Japan Society of Civil Engineers ,  Drainage and Reclamation Engineering ,  The Japanese Society of Irrigation
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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