Research theme for competitive and other funds (14):
2020 - 2023 Development of a stepping strategy measuring instrument
2020 - 2023 姿勢固定化を防ぐ環境づくりの試みー動的な座位姿勢のすゝめ-
2015 - 2018 Effects and methods of physical exercise to promote exchanges of refugees from nuclear evacuation zone
2012 - 2015 PTSD及びうつ病等の環境要因等の分析及び介入手法の開発と向上に資する研究
2012 - 2015 Project Active Schools following the Great East Japan Earthquake
2008 - 2010 unbalanced exercise prevents tumbling
2008 - 2010 The research about "Bewegte Schule"in physical education schools in Germany and Switzerland
2004 - 2007 Study on exercise, sport, health living habits for physical ability promotion of children
2005 - 2006 The development of a physical strength improvement program which a child student is equal to itself grapples with-Pay attention to the G ball movement-
2005 - 2006 幼児期の言語発達に及ぼす模倣運動の影響とその脳内メカニズム
2003 - 2006 Study on developing digital content for sport and PE in schools using streaming server.
2004 - 2005 Development of training program of an ability to observe movement of a physical education teacher
1987 - 1989 Basic Research On a Mastering Process of the Technic of Movement
1986 - 1986 打突動作における「目付け」に関する基礎的研究
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Papers (160):
ホリグチ, アヤ, モトヤ, サトシ, MATSUURA, Ryo, 濵谷, 萌子, MAEHARA, Chika, HASEGAWA, Kiyonao. <Reports> Experiment to Propose Exercise Programs Using the Multifunctionality of Smartphone : Report on physical education class of university“ Refresh movements”. Journal of Sport and Physical Education Center, University of Tsukuba. 2022. 44. 79-84
Matsuura Ryo, Kiuchi Atsushi, Horiguchi Aya, Motoya Satoshi, Hasegawa Kiyonao. Exercise Contents with High Continuous Acceptability in Daily Life for University Liberal Arts Physical Education Students. Journal of Gymnastics for All. 2022. 16. 15-31
長谷川聖修, 松浦稜, 堀口文. Physical education for human life and existence-Encouragement of active PC work-. 筑波大学体育系紀要. 2022. 45
古屋, 朝映子, 會田, 宏, 長谷川聖修. A case study on the structure of practical knowledge possessed by skilled instructor in a parent-child gymnastics class: Focus on working with parents. 体操研究. 2021. 15. 66-79
A Study on Changes of Students' Attitudes toward Physical Education (II). 1992. 21. 57-62
Yoshimura Tetsuo, Hasegawa Kiyonao, Matsumoto Hideo. A study on the striking motion (shomen uchi) of female Kendo students : The locus and speeds of the SHINAI. Bulletin - Faculty of Physical Education, Tokai University. 1989. 19. 57-61
Study on Transformation of Consciousness to Physical Education. 1986. 15. 37-45
- 1981 University of Tsukuba Graduate School, Division of Physical Education
- 1979 University of Tsukuba School of Health and Physical Education
Committee career (3):
2002 - 現在 日本体操学会 副会長
2001/04 - 2021/03 日本コーチング学会 理事
2001/04 - 2018/03 日本コーチング学会 理事/庶務委員長
Association Membership(s) (4):
, Japan Society of Movement and Behaviour