Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
2022 - 2025 再エネ訴訟に関する実証的理論分析ー脱炭素社会の実現に向けた日米比較研究
2016 - 2020 Comparative Studies between U.S. and Japan for establishing the law of clean energy -- taking an opportunity of environmental pollution arising from a disaster
2015 - 2019 Planning research toward sustainability in hot spring areas using hot spring power generation
2013 - 2016 The Study on the Libility System for Environmental Pollution in Case of Disasters --Concentrating on Application of Liability Exemption Clauses--
2009 - 2010 Research on the liability system for environmental damage on soil and air -in comparison with environmental damage on marine environment
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Papers (40):
Hiroshi Kobayashi. Carbon Pricing for GX and Renewable Energy: The Case of Japan and Comparisons to the United States. Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation (2025 forthcoming). 2025. 40
2020/12 - 2021/11 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Member of the Scientific Research Grants Committee
2010/05 - 2016/03 長崎環境県民会議(前:ごみゼロ長崎推進会議)委員
2009/04 - 2016/03 長崎県介護保険審査会 委員
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Awards (1):
2015/08 - Excellent Research Award from Kurita Water and Environment Foundation
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 慶應法学会
, Japanese American Society for Legal Studies
, Maritime Law Association of Japan
, Japan Association of Private Law
, Japan Association for Environmental Law and Policy