J-GLOBAL ID:200901034534538863
Update date: Feb. 02, 2025
Minoru Kitago
キタゴウ ミノル | Minoru Kitago
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Homepage URL (1):
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 2024 - 2027 Early diagnosis and optimal treatment of pancreatic cancer through an integrated comprehensive approach
- 2015 - 2018 Experimental study for the clinical application of cryosurgery for pancreatic tumors
Papers (159):
Tajima K, Yagi H, Morisaku T, Nishi K, Kushige H, Kojima H, Higashi H, Kuroda K, Kitago M, Adachi S, et al. An organ-derived extracellular matrix triggers in situ kidney regeneration in a preclinical model. npj Regenerative Medicine. 2022. 7. 1. 18
Endo Y, Alaimo L, Lima HA, Moazzam Z, Ratti F, Marques HP, Soubrane O, Lam V, Kitago M, Poultsides GA, et al. A Novel Online Calculator to Predict Risk of Microvascular Invasion in the Preoperative Setting for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients Undergoing Curative-Intent Surgery. Annals of surgical oncology. 2022
Fukushima G, Abe K, Kitago M, Iwasaki E, Hirata A, Takemura R, Ishii R, Yagi H, Abe Y, Hasegawa Y, et al. Association Between Clinical Backgrounds and Malignant Progression of Suspected Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm. Pancreas. 2022. 51. 6. 617-623
Endo Y, Alaimo L, Lima HA, Moazzam Z, Ratti F, Marques HP, Soubrane O, Lam V, Kitago M, Poultsides GA, et al. ASO Visual Abstract: A Novel Online Calculator to Predict Risk of Microvascular Invasion in the Preoperative Setting for HCC Patients Undergoing Curative-Intent Surgery. Annals of surgical oncology. 2022
Suzuki T, Masugi Y, Inoue Y, Hamada T, Tanaka M, Takamatsu M, Arita J, Kato T, Kawaguchi Y, Kunita A, et al. KRAS variant allele frequency, but not mutation positivity, associates with survival of patients with pancreatic cancer. Cancer science. 2022. 113. 9. 3097-3109
MISC (2):
Endo Y, Oshima G, Hibi T, Shinoda M, Sakurai M, Koda Y, Izawa Y, Obara H, Kitago M, Yagi H, et al. Achievement of Durable and Complete Remission of Graft-versus-host Disease After Liver Transplantation With Ruxolitinib: A case report. Transplantation. 2019. 103. 11. e375-e377
Suzuki K, Takahashi S, Aiura K, Hayatsu S, Kitago M, Hoshimoto S, Kitajima M. Evaluation of the usefulness of percutaneous transhepatic portal catheterization for preoperatively diagnosing the localization of insulinomas. Pancreas. 2002. 24. 1. 96-102
Lectures and oral presentations (13):
(第88回日本消化器病学会総会 2002)
K-ras point mutations of intraductal papillary mucinous tumors of the pancreas -comparison with ductal adenocarcinoma of the pancreas-
(Annual Meeting of American Association for Cancer Research (93rd ; 2002) 2002)
(第39回日本癌治療学会 2001)
(第62回日本消化器内視鏡学会総会 2001)
(第62回日本消化器内視鏡学会総会 2001)
Professional career (1):
- K-ras点突然変異分布からみた膵管内乳頭腫瘍及び通常型膵管癌の特徴 (慶應義塾大学)
Work history (12):
- 2019/06 - 現在 Department of Surgery, Keio University School of Medicine 准教授
- 2015/03 - 2019/05 Department of Surgery, Keio Univesity School of Medicine 専任講師
- 2013/11 - 2015/02 慶應義塾大学 専任講師(学部内)
- 2011/04 - 2013/10 慶應義塾大学 助教
- 2007/04 - 2011/03 国家公務員共済組合連合会立川病院
- 2004/07 - 2007/03 米国John Wayne Cancer Institute
- 2001/05 - 2004/06 芳賀赤十字病院
- 1999/05 - 2001/04 慶應義塾大学 助手
- 1997/06 - 1999/04 栃木県立がんセンター
- 1997/05 - 1999/04 慶應義塾大学医学部(専修医)
- 1996/05 - 1997/05 宇都宮済生会病院
- 1995/05 - 1997/04 慶應義塾大学医学部研修医
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Association Membership(s) (13):
, 日本外科学会
, 日本消化器内視鏡学会
, 日本肝胆膵外科学会
, 日本癌治療学会
, 日本癌学会
, 日本内視鏡外科学会
, 日本膵臓学会
, 日本胆道学会
, 日本肝臓学会
, 日本臨床外科学会
, 日本移植学会
, 日本腹部救急学会
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