J-GLOBAL ID:200901034578662839
Update date: Jan. 30, 2024
Maeda Tadakazu
マエダ タダカズ | Maeda Tadakazu
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Professor Emeritus
Homepage URL (2):
Research field (2):
, Biological, health, and medical informatics
Research keywords (2):
, disease proteomics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (20):
- 2011 - 2012 Establishment of a strategy for the detection of disease-related modification of proteins in serum
- 2010 - 2012 Establishment and application of the strategies for the discovery of biomarker proteins and peptides including species bound to albumin in serum/plasma
- 2008 - 2010 Proteomic study of novel biomarkers for bladder cancer
- 2007 - 2009 Proteomics approach to discover biomarker for kidney transplant rejection
- 2007 - 2008 Development of serum tumor markers by using antibodies generated by Top-Down screening strategy
- 2006 - 2008 Searching for new biomarkers of Renal cell carcinoma based on proteomic approach
- 2006 - 2007 Development of novel serum peptidomic strategy and its application in the discovery of tumor marker peptides
- 2004 - 2006 The comprehensive study on the modulation of airway mucosal immune system by hochuekkito
- 2000 - 2005 Genomic analysis on genetic factors of human diseases and elucidation of their molecular mechanisms
- 2003 - 2004 Tags for oxidized proteins (TOP) useful for assessing the effect of reactive oxygen species on disease proteomics
- 2002 - 2004 Proteomic Analysis of Androgen-Independent prostate cancer
- 2000 - 2004 Development ofproteomic methods for diabetes pathology
- 2004 - モノクローナル抗体の網羅的獲得と疾患診断に有用な抗体の探索
- 1999 - 2001 Structure-activity relationship of human immunodeficiency virus nucleocapsid protein
- 1999 - 1999 HIVヌクレオキャプシドタンパク質の立体構造・活性相関の解明と機能制御
- 1997 - 1998 The Structure-function Relationships of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type-2 (HIV-2) Nucleocapsid protein
- タンパク質の立体構造ゆらぎと機能
- 病因タンパク質の探索と構造解析
- Conformational fluctuation and function of proteins
- Proteomics of disease-related proteins
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Papers (76):
Tesshu Takada, Yoshio Kodera, Madoka Matsubara, Yusuke Kawashima, Tadakazu Maeda, Yoshikuni Fujita, Masayoshi Shichiri. Serum monomeric alpha(2)-macroglobulin as a clinical biomarker in diabetes. ATHEROSCLEROSIS. 2013. 228. 1. 270-276
Ishii N, Carmines PK, Yokoba M, Imaizumi H, Ichikawa T, Ikenagasa H, Kodera Y, Oh-Ishi M, Aoki Y, Maeda T, et al. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition curbs tyrosine nitration of mitochondrial proteins in the renal cortex during the early stage of diabetes mellitus in rats. Clin Sci (Lond). 2013. 124. 8. 543-552
小寺 義男, 川島 祐介, 齋藤 達也, 佐藤 守, 曽川 一幸, 前田 忠計, 朝長 毅, 野村 文夫. 血中診断マーカーペプチド提案を目指した探索ならびに多検体評価法の包括的な開発. 日本生化学会大会プログラム・講演要旨集. 2012. 85回. 2T01-05
Kazuki Sato, Tadakazu Maeda, Minako Hoshi. Asn27 is essential for the neurotoxicity of amyloid b(1-42) peptide. International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics. 2012. 18. 4. 341-345
Yoko Motofuji, Asako Saito, Morio Koike, Yoshio Kodera, Tadakazu Maeda, Hiroyoshi Komatsu. Potential of classification of cancer by multiple discriminant analysis for relationship between cancer and expression of human cellular phosphoprotein. Biomedical Research. 2012. 33. 2. 139-143
MISC (86):
Takayuki Nagai, Ryoko Hashimoto, Sari M. Okuda, Yoshio Kodera, Masamichi Oh-Ishi, Tadakazu Maeda, Naoki Ito, Toshihiko Hanawa, Hiroaki Kiyohara, Haruki Yamada. Antidepressive-like effect of a Kampo (traditional Japanese) medicine, kososan (Xiang Su San) in a stress-induced depression-like mouse model: Proteomic analysis of hypothalamus. Traditional & Kampo Medicine. 2015. 2. 2. 50-59
SAITO Tatsuya, KAWASHIMA Yusuke, MINAMIDA Satoru, MATSUMOTO Kazumasa, ARAKI Keita, MATSUI Takashi, SATOH Mamoru, NOMURA Fumio, IWAMURA Masatsugu, MAEDA Tadakazu, et al. Establishment and application of a high-quality comparative analysis strategy for the discovery and small-scale validation of low-abundance biomarker peptides in serum based on an optimized novel peptide extraction method. J Electrophor (Web). 2013. 57. 1. 1-9 (J-STAGE)
大石 正道, 小寺 義男, 前田 忠計, 朝長 毅, 西森 孝典, 清宮 正徳, 松下 一之, 野村 文夫. 臨床検査領域におけるプロテオミクスの現状と未来像 高分子量蛋白質を対象とした疾患診断用マーカー探索. 生物物理化学. 2010. 54. 1. 35-39
Masamichi Oh-Ishi, Yoshio Kodera, Sen-ichi Furudate, Mamoru Satoh, Tadakazu Maeda. Indirect regulation of pancreatic proteins by thyroid hormone revealed by proteome analysis. ENDOCRINE JOURNAL. 2010. 57. S478-S478
川島 祐介, 福冨 俊之, 朝長 毅, 高橋 広樹, 松井 崇, 野村 文夫, 前田 忠計, 小寺 義男. 血清を対象とした疾患ペプチドミクス. 日本臨床プロテオーム研究会要旨集. 2010. 2010. 0. 116-116
Works (1):
2000 - 2004
Education (4):
- - 1971 Nagoya University
- - 1971 Nagoya University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science
- - 1966 Kyoto University Faculty of Science
- - 1966 Kyoto University Faculty of Science
Professional career (1):
- (BLANK) (Nagoya University (Japan))
Work history (2):
- 1976 - 1994 三菱化学生命科学研究所 副主任研究員、主任研究員
- 1994 - - 北里大学理学部物理学科 教授
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本物理学会
, 日本生物物理学会
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