Research field (3):
Primary/secondary education and curricula
, Nutrition and health science
, Physical and health education
Research keywords (4):
Health Education Teacher Education
, 保健科担当教師養成
, 比較保健科教育
, 北ヨーロッパ(フィンランド)
Research theme for competitive and other funds (9):
2016 - 2021 Edumetric, cognitive scientific, and comparative pedagogical evaluations on new methods of admissions under the reform for articulation between high schools and universities
HUANG Sihua, MIYAMOTO,Tomohiro, KOHAMA,Akira. Health-related Learning Achievement in Chinese High School Students: Comparative Survey Between Japan and China. Annual Report Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University. 2023. 78. 1. 157-170
Akira Kohama. Finland's Today Shows Japan's Future Health Education. Japanese Journal of School Health. 2021. 63. 3. 181-189