Research keywords (3):
Structural Mechanics
, Mechanics of Composite Materials
, Aeronautics and Astronautics
Papers (13):
Keishiro Yoshida, Ryoga Oda, Yasuo Hirose. Beam on Elastic Foundation Analysis Model for Sandwich Single Cantilever Beam Test Specimen with Orthotropic Core. Materials System. 2022. 39. 25-31
Keishiro Yoshida, Takahira Aoki. Analysis of sandwich single cantilever beam test specimen with graded core. Advanced Composite Materials. 2021. 31. 1. 1-25
Keishiro Yoshida, Hidetaka Otsubo, Takahira Aoki, Akihito Watanabe, Yasuo Hirose. Effect of Addition of Tape Fasteners to Open-section Extendible Mast. Materials System. 2021. 38. 37-43
SUGIYAMA KAZUSHI, TAKATA KOSEI, OHINO TATSUYA, YOSHIDA KEISHIRO. Buckling Property of Plain Weave Fabric Composite Laminate Considering Intralaminar Inhomogeneity. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Composite Materials. 2019. P2312-6