J-GLOBAL ID:200901035820198995
Update date: May. 27, 2019
Kamikubota Norihiko
カミクボタ ノリヒコ | Kamikubota Norihiko
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Theoretical studies related to particle-, nuclear-, cosmic ray and astro-physics
Research keywords (4):
, 加速器
, Control
, Accelerator
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 長基線DL方式レーザ干渉計重力波アンテナの開発
- 大型加速器の計算機制御システムに関する研究
- Development of a DL laser interferometer for detection of gravitational waves
- Study on Computer Control System for large accelerators
Papers (5):
N. Kamikubota, N. Kikuzawa, F. Tamura, N. Yamamoto. OPERATION STATUS OF J-PARC TIMING SYSTEM AND FUTURE PLAN. Proc. of the ICALEPCS 2015 (Melbourne, Oct.2015). 2015. 988-991
N. Kamikubota, N. Yamamoto, T. Iitsuka, S. Yoshida. Integration of Independent Radiation Monitoring System with Main Accelerator Control. Proc. of PCaPAC 2014 (Karlsruhe, Oct.2014). 2014. 167-169
N. Kamikubota, N. Yamamoto, H. Nakagawa, S. Yamada, K.C. Sato, T. Kato, J. Odagiri, N. Kikuzawa, Y. Kato, M. Kawase, et al. J-PARC CONTROL TOWARD FUTURE RELIABLE OPERATION. Proc. of the ICALEPCS 2011 (Grenole, Oct.2011). 2011. 378-381
N. Kamikubota, M. Clausen, K. Furukawa. Development of a CORBA Toolkit and its Evaluation. Proc. of the ICALEPCS'97 (Beijing, Nov.1997). 1998. 351-353
N. Kamikubota†, K.C. Sato, Y. Tajima, S. Yoshida. DEVELOPMENT OF TRIGGERED SCALER TO DETECT MISS-TRIGGER. Proc. of PCaPAC 2018 (Taiwan, Oct.2018)
MISC (9):
大型加速器制御とPCの連携システムの創造. 平成11-12年度科学研究費補助金(基板(C)(2))報告書. 2001
クライストロン運転履歴・統計のWorld-Wide-Webによる提供. 第25回リニアック技術研究会 会議録. 2000. pp, 252-254
JavaとCORBAを使った加速器状態リアルタイム表示システム. 日本物理学会2000年春の分科会 素粒子実験,口頭発表(近畿大学). 2000
KEK入射器の機器履歴取得・表示システム. 第21回リニアック技術研究会 会議録. 1997. pp, 204-206
VIRGO紹介. 「天文観測機器と計算機制御」研究会集録(国立天文台). 1994. pp. 63-65
Books (15):
OHO '02、高エネルギー加速器科学研究奨励会 2002
Web-based beam-status display for the KEK injector linac
Proc. of 4th. International Workshop on Personal Computers and Particle Accelerator Controls (PCaPAC2002), Frascati (Rome). Oct.2002 2002
Introduction of Modern Subsystems at the KEK Injector-linac
Proc. Int, Conf. Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Cotrol Systems (ICALEPCS 2001) 2002
Growth of Contral Transactions of the KEK linac during the KEKB Commissionning
Proc. of the 2nd Asian Particle Accelerator Conference (APAC'01) 2002
Data Acquisition of Beam-Position Monitors for the KEKB Injector-Linac
Proc. Int. Conf. Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems(ICALEPCS '99) 2000
Committee career (1):
- 2018/06 - 現在 ICALEPCS ISAC (International Science Advisary Committee)
Association Membership(s) (2):
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