J-GLOBAL ID:200901035873619747
Update date: Aug. 29, 2022
Suzuki Junkichi
スズキ ジュンキチ | Suzuki Junkichi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Japanese language education
Research keywords (2):
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
- 2000 - 2001 日本語能力レベルの異なる外国人学習者が混在した学級に対する指導法の開発
- 2000 - 2001 Development of teaching methodology for multi-level Japanese languge classroom
- 1990 - 1992 Development of Practical and Comprehensive Japanese Language Education Sytem for English Speakers
Papers (1):
鈴木 潤吉. 長沼メソッドの源流をたどって-ハロルド・E・パーマーのオーラル・メソッド(1). 日本語教育研究. 2014. 60. 60. 3-19
MISC (16):
SUZUKI Junkichi. The Roots of the Naganuma Method - Harold E. Palmer's Oral Method (2). Nihongo Kyoiku Kenkyu. 2016. 62. 38-62
鈴木 潤吉. 長沼メソッドの源流をたどって-ハロルド・E・パーマーのオーラル・メソッド(2). 日本語教育研究. 2016. 62. 38-62
SUZUKI Junkichi. The Roots of the Naganuma Method - Harold E. Palmer's Oral Method (1). Nihongo Kyoiku Kenkyu. 2014. 60. 3-19
Understanding of Gestures for International Professionals. 日本語教育研究. 2004. 46
Jointly written with Wu Yulun. Understanding of Gestures for International Professionals. Nihongo Kyoiku Kenkyu (Research in Japanese Language Education). 2004. 46
Books (1):
Designing Materials for Business Japanese : the SOAS/DTI Diploma Course 'jointly worked' (ed. Stefan Kaiser "Japanese Language Teaching in the Nineties"
Japan Library 1993 ISBN:1873410034
Education (4):
- - 1996 ロンドン大学東洋アフリカ学院 言語学 語用論
- - 1996 School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London Linguistics Pragmatics
- - 1979 International Christian University College of Liberal Arts Division of Social Sciences
- - 1979 International Christian University Faculty of Liberal Arts
Professional career (1):
- MA(Linguistics) (University of London)
Work history (4):
- 2003 - 現在 The Naganuma School Advisor
- 1997 - 2003 Hokkaido Univ. of Education Associate Professor
- 1996 - 1997 JICA Supervisor - Japanese Language Education
- 1990 - 1995 Japan Research Centre, SOAS Lector (full-time)
Committee career (2):
- 2008 - 2011 The Society for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language Public Relations Committee, Councilor
- 2008 - 2010 日本語教育学会 評議員、広報委員会委員
Association Membership(s) (4):
The Pragmatics Society of Japan
, 日本語用論学会
, 日本語教育学会
, The Society for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language
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