Research field (4):
Clinical pharmacy
, Physiology
, Aquaculture
, Neuroscience - general
Research keywords (5):
, 水産学一般
, Behavioral Physiology
, Fisheries in General
, Neuroscience in general
Research theme for competitive and other funds (15):
2010 - 2012 Studies on fish aquaculture based on the animal welfare.
2006 - 2007 Studies on incidence mechanism and prevention of injury caused by fish themselves
2002 - 2003 Studies on the improvement of self-feeding system to fasten feeding for cultured fish.
1999 - 2001 Studies on fish appetite and its control.
1999 - 2000 Studies of external & internal factors affecting to the fish demand-feeding.
1997 - 1998 The roles of circadian clocks in the regulation of digestive system in fish
1996 - 1998 Studies on the development of demand-feeding system in fish aquaculture
1995 - 1996 Studies on fish feeding rhythms and their application
1994 - 1994 概日時計を応用した魚類の成長・成熟に関する研究
1991 - 1991 魚類の生体時計に関する研究
1990 - 1990 魚類の胚体および仔魚における日周リズムの形成と光受容能の発達
1987 - 1987 板鰓類の光環境とその情報伝達機構
1986 - 1986 魚類中枢神経系の生体警告・防御機構における間脳背側部の役割
Feeding Behavior in Fish
Chronobiology in fish
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Papers (96):
Chris Noble, Matthew James Flood, Mitsuo Tabata. Using rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss as self-feeding actuators for white-spotted charr Salvelinus leucomaenis: Implications for production and welfare. APPLIED ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR SCIENCE. 2012. 138. 1-2. 125-131
Flood, M.J, Noble, C, Kagaya, Tabata, M. Can the presence of a large conspecific improve the production and welfare of groups of smaller self-feeder competent rainbow trout?. Aquaculture Research. 2011. 1-8
Flood, M.J, Noble, C, Kagaya, Tabata, M. Can the presence of a large conspecific improve the production and welfare of groups of smaller self-feeder competent rainbow trout?. Aquaculture Research. 2011. 1-8