Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
Analysis of Pitx2 function in formation of the AV cushions of heart
Growth factor in the coronary antery with kawasaki disease
Molecular study in cardiac vascular system at developmental embryo
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Papers (2):
MIYAGAWA-TOMITA Sachiko. Regulation of Sema3c and the Interaction between Cardiac Neural Crest and Second Heart Field during Outflow Tract Development. ScienticReports. 2017
Endothelin receptor type A-expressing cell population in the inflow tract contributes to chamber formation. (共著)
Etiology and morphogenesis of congenital heart disease. . Springer 2016
The role of the thyroid in the developing heart(共著)
Etiology and morphogenesis of congenital heart disease. Springer 2016
The “cardiac neural crest” concept revisited (共著)
Etiology and morphogenesis of congenital heart disease. Springer 2016
Cardiogenesis and the anomalies.
Veterinary Medical Care Handbook-The Latest Review-.Interzoo,Tokyo,Japan 1999