J-GLOBAL ID:200901036294833946
Update date: Jun. 11, 2024
Ihobe Hiroshi
イホベ ヒロシ | Ihobe Hiroshi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (3):
Physical anthropology
, Ecology and environmental science
, Local studies
Research keywords (11):
, 人類学
, Primates
, オナガザル科霊長類
, Red colobus
, L'hoest monkey
, 大型類人猿
, Kalinzu Forest
, Mahale Mountains Nationa Park
, Wamba
, Feral cattle
Research theme for competitive and other funds (19):
- 2013 - 2019 Study on the reproductive strategy in wild chimpanzees and bonobos by analyzing sexual hormonal dynamics and sexual behavior
- 2013 - 2017 Investigation of feeding strategies of African cercopithecids by using genetic and/or morphological methods
- 2009 - 2012 Relations between survival strategies and morphology of African cercopithecids
- 2005 - 2008 Studies on adaptation of Pan species to seasonal and local variation of environment : Towards understanding of hominid evolution in dry habitats
- 2000 - 2003 Local behavioral variations and acquisition processes of cultural behavior patterns among wild chimpanzees
- 2000 - 2002 A comparative study on the ecological basis of the selectivity of hunting targets by chimpanzees among several study sites
- 1998 - 2000 Comparative analysis of vegetation in the habitat of bonobos and chimpanzees using Landsat image.
- 1998 - 1999 Editing of Audio-Visual Ethogram for African Great Apes and Behavioral Comparison Based on the Ethogram.
- 1997 - 1999 Distribution of bonobos and their ecological characteristics.
- 1997 - 1997 ホミニゼーションと環境変動
- 1996 - 1997 Comparative study of the behavior of the genus Pan by compiling video ethogram.
- 1995 - 1997 Resource use patterns and social structure among chimpanzees
- 1995 - 1995 野生ボノボの土地利用の経年変化と集団間比較
- 1995 - オナガザル科霊長類の対捕食者戦略
- 大型類人猿の狩猟・肉食行動
- ボノボ(ピグミーチンパンジー)の社会・生態学的研究
- Hunting and meat-eating behavior of Great Apes
- Study on actual damages to crops by Japanese macaques
- Socio-ecological study on bonobos(pygmy chimpanzees)
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Papers (8):
Ikki Matsuda, Chie Hashimoto, Hiroshi Ihobe, Takakazu Yumoto, Deborah Baranga, Marcus Clauss, Jürgen Hummel. Dietary Choices of a Foregut-Fermenting Primate, Colobus guereza: A Comprehensive Approach Including Leaf Chemical and Mechanical Properties, Digestibility and Abundance. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 2022. 10
Ikki Matsuda, Hiroshi Ihobe, Yasuko Tashiro, Takakazu Yumoto, Deborah Baranga, Chie Hashimoto. The diet and feeding behavior of the black-and-white colobus (Colobus guereza) in the Kalinzu Forest, Uganda. PRIMATES. 2020. 61. 3. 473-484
Takeshi Furuichi, Gen'Ichi Idani, Hiroshi Ihobe, Chie Hashimoto, Yasuko Tashiro, Tetsuya Sakamaki, Mbangi N. Mulavwa, Kumugo Yangozene, Suehisa Kuroda. Long-term studies on wild bonobos at Wamba, Luo Scientific Reserve, D. R. congo: Towards the understanding of female life history in a male-philopatric species. Long-Term Field Studies of Primates. 2012. 9783642225147. 413-433
Mbangi Mulavwa, Takeshi Furuichi, Kumugo Yangozene, Mikwaya Yamba-Yamba, Balemba Motema-Salo, Gen'ichi Idani, Hiroshi Ihobe, Chie Hashimoto, Yasuko Tashiro, Ndunda Mwanza. Seasonal changes in fruit production and party size of bonobos at Wamba. BONOBOS: BEHAVIOR, ECOLOGY, AND CONSERVATION. 2008. 121-+
Takeshi Furuichi, Mbangi Mulavwa, Kumiago Yangozene, Mikwaya Yamba-Yamba, Balemba Motema-Salo, Gen'ichi Idani, Hiroshi Ihobe, Chie Hashimoto, Yasuko Tashiro, Ndunda Mwanza. Relationships among fruit abundance, ranging rate, and party size and composition of bonobos at Wamba. BONOBOS: BEHAVIOR, ECOLOGY, AND CONSERVATION. 2008. 135-+
MISC (47):
河本悠吾, 河本悠吾, 西栄美子, 鈴木(橋戸)南美, 早川卓志, 早川卓志, 赤尾大樹, 松村秀一, 田代靖子, 橋本千絵, et al. 同所的に生息するグエノン類3種における苦味受容体TAS2R16の機能解析. 霊長類研究. 2016. 32. Supplement. 60-60
The past, present and future of studies on African wild primates by Japanese researchers. 2013. 64. 2. 67-75
五百部裕. チンパンジーに食べられるサル : アカコロブスの生態と対チンパンジー戦略 (第56回プリマーテス研究会 : アフリカの自然). 財団法人日本モンキーセンター年報. 2011. 20-23
霊長類に見られる被食-捕食関係. 学術月報. 2000. 53. 10. 12-17
和歌山県における猿害とニホンザルの分布:目撃情報からの群れ分布推定の試み(共著). 霊長類研究. 2000. 16. 1. 23-28
Books (15):
京都大学学術出版会 2000
世界思想社 1999
大型類人猿の社会 1996
朝倉書店 1996
Comparing copulations of Chimpanzees and bonobos : do females exhibit proceptivity or receptivity? (共著)
Great Ape Societies 1996
Works (14):
1999 -
Socio-ecological study on primates at the kalinzu Forest, Republic of Uganda
1999 -
1995 -
A field survey on hunting and meat-eating behavior of chimpanzees at the Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania.
1995 -
1992 - 1993
Professional career (2):
- Doctor of Science (Kyoto University)
- Master of Science (Kyoto University)
Committee career (3):
- 1993 - 2001 日本霊長類学会 幹事,理事
- 1999 - 日本人類学会 評議員
- 1994 - 1996 日本アフリカ学会 学会誌編集委員
Awards (1):
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本アフリカ学会
, 日本人類学会
, 日本霊長類学会
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