Akira SUZUKI. Book Review: Todd E. Vachon, Clean Air and Good Jobs : U.S. Labor and the Struggle for Climate Justice. The Journal of Ohara Institute for Social Research. 2024. 786. 38-44
SUZUKI, Akira. Controversies and Disputes over the Definition of Occupational Diseases: Cases of Silicosis and Black Lung Disease in the United States. Keizai-Shirin. 2022. 89. 3. 171-192
One Hundred Years History of the Labour Yearbook of Japan: How Its Contents Changed, Reflecting Events of Each Era. 『日本労働年鑑』2020年版/第90集. 2020. 90. 44-71
Suzuki, Akira. How Enterprise Unions of Polluting-companies Responded to the Issue of Environmental Pollution and What Kind of Relationship These Unions Had with Anti-pollution Movements. Annual Review of Labor Sociology. 2019. 30. 26-49
Suzuki, Akira. How Labor Unions in the United States Dealt with Environmental Pollution and Formed Coalitions with Environmental Movements. The Journal of Ohara Institute for Social Research. 2018. 713. 52-68
SUZUKI, Akira. One Hundred Years of Ohara Institute for Social Research and ILO. Work & Life 世界の労働. 2019. 6. 51. 2-8
Suzuki, Akira. Book Review: Adam Tompkins, Ghostworkers and Greens. The Journal of Ohara Institute for Social Research. 2017. 710. 85-90
Akira Suzuki. Richard S. Newman著 Love Canal : A Toxic History from Colonial Times to the Present. 『大原社会問題研究所雑誌』. 2017. 699. 75-80
Akira Suzuki. Book Revuew: Hwa-Jen Liu, Leverage of the Weak: Labor and Environmental Movements in Taiwan and Korea. The Journal of Ohara Institute for Social Resarch. 2015. 686. 87-91
Workers and Environmental Pollution
Hosei University Press 2021 ISBN:9784588625442
Cross-National Comparisons of Social Movement Unionism: Diversities of Labour Movement Revitalization in Japan, Korea and the United States
Peter Lang 2012 ISBN:9783034308687
Politicization of Commemoretivew Events of Atomic Bomb Victims
(50th Annual Conference of the International Association of Labour History Institutions (IALHI) 2019)
Factors Behind the Ocuurrence of Karojisatsu
(Labor and Employment Relations Association 71st Annual Meeting 2019)
Conditions for the Development of Blue-Green Alliances: the Case of Minamata in (Brief) Comparison with the Case of Yokkaichi
("Laobor and Environmental Movements" (RC44 and RC48) XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, July 13-19, 2014 2014)
Why did "the blue-green coalition" succeed in the case of Minamata? An Analysis of the Struggle against Chisso in the Context of Civil Society
(The Role of Organized Labor in Civil Society in East Asia: Comparasions between Korea, Taiwan and Japan (A semi-clised conference sponsored by the Ohara Institute for Social Research, Hosei University, co-sponsored by RC44 International Sociological Association 2013)
Nuclear Energy Debates within the Japanese Labor Movement and Its Response to the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: Politicization or Continued Compromise-based Depoliticization?
(A paper presented at 2nd ISA Forum (July 31-August 3, 2012, Buenos Aires) 2012)