J-GLOBAL ID:200901037323064457
Update date: Sep. 02, 2022
Tanaka Tomoyuki
Tanaka Tomoyuki
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Papers (51):
Tomoyuki Tanaka. The Loss of Verb Movement in Participial Constructions. Linguistics and Philology. 2019. 38. 1-18
The Origin and Development of Negation in Infinitival Clauses. 2018. 1. 17-29
Tomoyuki Tanaka. Object Movement and Left Periphery in the History of English. JELS (Papers from the Thirty-Fourth Conference of The English Linguistic Society of Japan). 2017. 34. 193-199
田中智之. 英語史におけるOV語順の消失-不定詞節を中心にー. 文法変化と言語理論. 2016. 119-133
田中智之. 英語史におけるコントロール不定詞の発達について. 名古屋大学文学部研究論集(文学). 2016. 62. 107-123
MISC (50):
The Origin and Development of Negation in Infinitival Clauses. 2018. 1. 17-29
Tomoyuki Tanaka. Object Movement and Left Periphery in the History of English. JELS (Papers from the Thirty-Fourth Conference of The English Linguistic Society of Japan). 2017. 34. 193-199
田中智之. 英語史におけるOV語順の消失-不定詞節を中心にー. 文法変化と言語理論. 2016. 119-133
田中智之. 英語史におけるコントロール不定詞の発達について. 名古屋大学文学部研究論集(文学). 2016. 62. 107-123
田中智之. 古英語における目的語移動と左周縁部. 名古屋大学文学部研究論集(文学). 2015. 61. 71-88
Books (7):
開拓社 2016
開拓社 2013
朝倉書店 2013
Synchronic and Diachronic Approaches to the Study of Language: A Collection of Papers Dedicated to the Memory of Professor Masachiyo Amano
Eichosha Phoenix 2010
Ivy Never Sere: The Fiftieth Anniversary Publication of The Society of English Literature and Linguistics, Nagoya University
Otowa-Shobo Tsurumi-Shoten 2009
Lectures and oral presentations (21):
(日本英文学会第89回大会 2017)
(「言語変化・変異研究ユニット」第3回ワークショップ 2016)
(名古屋大学英文学会第54回大会 2015)
Cyclic Linearization and the Loss of OV Order in the History of English
(The 2013 International Conference in English Linguistics 2013)
(日本英文学会中部支部第63回大会 2011)
Works (9):
中野弘三・服部義弘・小野隆啓・西原哲雄(監修)『最新 英語学・言語学用語辞典』(編集)
2015 -
Bettelou Los: The Rise of the To-Infinitive
Tomoyuki Tanaka 2007 -
David E. Johnson and Shalom Lappin: Local Constraints vs. Economy
Tomoyuki Tanaka 2001 -
2000 -
1999 -
Work history (4):
- 2017/04/01 - 現在 Nagoya University Graduate School of Humanities Department of Humanities 1 Professor
- 2012/07/01 - 2017/03/31 Nagoya University Graduate School of Letters Department of Humanities Western Literature and Linguistics Professor
- 2007/04/01 - 2012/06/30 Nagoya University Graduate School of Letters Department of Humanities Associate professor
- 2007/03/31 - Nagoya University Graduate School of Letters Department of Humanities Assistant Professor
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