J-GLOBAL ID:200901037414485820   Update date: Jan. 31, 2024

Kobayashi Ichizo

コバヤシ イチゾウ | Kobayashi Ichizo
Affiliation and department:
Job title: 客員教授
Homepage URL  (1): http://www.ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ikobaya
Research field  (7): Evolutionary biology ,  Physical anthropology ,  Tumor biology ,  Applied microbiology ,  Bacteriology ,  Genomics ,  Genetics
Research keywords  (22): DNAメチル化 ,  利己的遺伝子 ,  stomach cancer ,  Bacterial epigenetics ,  Bacterial genome ,  Epigenome evolution ,  Helicobacter pylori ,  エピジェネティクス ,  Genome evolution ,  ゲノム再編 ,  DNA修復 ,  DNA組換え ,  制限酵素 ,  制限修飾系 ,  Programmed death ,  Epigenetics ,  Genomic evolution ,  Genome rearrangement ,  DNA break repair ,  Genetic recombination ,  Restriction enzyme ,  Restriction-modification system
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (51):
  • 2023 - 2026 Thousands of adaptive changes emerging from thousands of genomes within a species
  • 2019 - 2021 Does H. pylori base-excision restriction enzyme cause stomach cancer?
  • 2007 - 2008 自己ゲノムDNAを識別して修復するATP駆動モーターの一分子生化学
  • 2003 - 2004 Role of selfish restriction-modification gene complexes in genome evolution : comparative genomics and experimental evolution
  • 1999 - 1999 ゲノムの流動性をもたらす利己的遺伝子系
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Papers (133):
  • Vo Phuoc Tuan, Koji Yahara, Ho Dang Quy Dung, Tran Thanh Binh, Pham Huu Tung, Tran Dinh Tri, Ngo Phuong Minh Thuan, Vu Van Khien, Tran Thi Huyen Trang, Bui Hoang Phuc, et al. Corrigendum: 'Genome-wide association study of gastric cancer- and duodenal ulcer-derived Helicobacter pylori strains reveals discriminatory genetic variations and novel oncoprotein candidates'. Microbial genomics. 2023. 9. 7
  • Vo Phuoc Tuan, Koji Yahara, Ho Dang Quy Dung, Tran Thanh Binh, Pham Huu Tung, Tran Dinh Tri, Ngo Phuong Minh Thuan, Vu Van Khien, Tran Thi Huyen Trang, Bui Hoang Phuc, et al. Corrigendum: 'Genome-wide association study of gastric cancer- and duodenal ulcer-derived Helicobacter pylori strains reveals discriminatory genetic variations and novel oncoprotein candidates'. Microbial genomics. 2023. 9. 7
  • Yuanhai You, Kaisa Thorell, Lihua He, Koji Yahara, Yoshio Yamaoka, Jeong-Heon Cha, Kazunari Murakami, Yukako Katsura, Ichizo Kobayashi, Daniel Falush, et al. Genomic differentiation within East Asian Helicobacter pylori. 2021
  • Vo Phuoc Tuan, Koji Yahara, Ho Dang Quy Dung, Tran Thanh Binh, Pham Huu Tung, Tran Dinh Tri, Ngo Phuong Minh Thuan, Vu Van Khien, Tran Thi Huyen Trang, Bui Hoang Phuc, et al. Genome-wide association study of gastric cancer-and duodenal ulcer-derived Helicobacter pylori strains reveals discriminatory genetic variations and novel oncoprotein candidates. Microbial Genomics. 2021. 7. 11
  • Hirokazu Yano, Md Zobaidul Alam, Emiko Rimbara, Tomoko F Shibata, Masaki Fukuyo, Yoshikazu Furuta, Tomoaki Nishiyama, Shuji Shigenobu, Mitsuyasu Hasebe, Atsushi Toyoda, et al. Corrigendum: Networking and Specificity-Changing DNA Methyltransferases in Helicobacter pylori. Frontiers in microbiology. 2020. 11. 596598-596598
MISC (111):
Books (19):
  • DNA Electrophoresis: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology 2119
    Humana Press, Springer Nature 2020
  • エピジェネティクスの生態学-環境に応答して遺伝子を調節するしくみ-
    文一総合出版 2017
  • Stress and Environmental Control of Gene Expression in Bacteria
    Wiley 2016
  • Helicobacter pylori Research - From Bench to Bedside
    Springer Tokyo 2016
  • 行動生物学辞典
Lectures and oral presentations  (64):
  • H. pylori epigenome micro-evolution associated with DNA methyltransferases’ sequence-specificity changes
    (EHMSG2019: 32nd Workshop of the European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group 2019)
  • Bacterial genome- and epigenome-wide association study (GWAS and EWAS) of gastric cancer and intestinal metaplasia
    (HpGP BAG meeting at National Cancer Institute, USA 2019)
  • Helicobacter pylori as an extreme model in genetics and evolution
    (Hp Genome Project Workshop at National Cancer Institute, USA 2019)
  • 遺伝・エピジェネティクス・進化のモデルとしてのピロリ菌
    (国立遺伝学研究所 研究集会「分子進化研究の多様な世界」 2019)
  • Epigenome-based adaptive evolution of H. pylori: Evidence from genome, methylome, transcriptome and phenotype analyses
    (16th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Helicobacter Research)
Education (3):
  • 1974 - 1979 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • 1972 - 1974 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Science Department of Biophysics and Biochemistry
  • 1970 - 1972 The University of Tokyo College of Arts and Sciences, Junior Division SII
Professional career (2):
  • Ph. D. in Pharmacology (The University of Tokyo)
  • Master of Science (The University of Tokyo)
Work history (18):
  • 2004/03 - Professor, Graduate School of Frontier Science,
  • 1988/09 - Associate Professor, Institute of Medical
  • 1984/03 - Assistant Professor, Medical School, University
  • 1979/09 - Post-Doctoral Fellow, Institute of Molecular
  • 1979/04 - Research Associate, Institute of Medical Science,
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Committee career (18):
  • Mobile Genetic Elements (Taylor and Francis) Editor
  • Microbiology and Immunology (Wiley) Editor
  • Plasmid (Elsevier) Editor
  • 文部科学省 私立大学戦略的研究基盤形成支援事業外部評価委員
  • 大学評価・学位授与機構 国立大学教育研究評価委員会専門委員
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Awards (4):
  • 2022 - The Genetics Society of Japan Kihara Prize from the Genetics Society of Japan Mechanisms and significance of breakage, epigenetic modification and recombination of the genetic material
  • 日本ヘリコバクター学会 上原H. pylori賞 優秀賞
  • 日本遺伝学会 ベストプレゼンテーション賞
  • 日本ヘリコバクター学会 学術賞(基礎部門)
Association Membership(s) (15):
日本エピジェネティックス学会 ,  日本農芸化学会 ,  日本細菌学会 ,  日本ゲノム微生物学会 ,  日本ヘリコバクター学会 ,  日本遺伝子治療学会 ,  日本生化学会 ,  日本分子生物学会 ,  日本進化学会 ,  日本遺伝学会 ,  The Japan Society of Gene Therapy ,  The Japanese Biochemical Society ,  The Molecular Biology Society of Japan ,  Society of Evolutionary Studies, Japan ,  The Genetics Society of Japan
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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