J-GLOBAL ID:200901037729422516
Update date: Oct. 21, 2021
Shimane Katsumi
シマネ カツミ | Shimane Katsumi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 大量死の記憶に関する集合意識研究
- 葬送儀礼の国際比較研究
Papers (35):
シマネ カツミ. Social bonds with the dead: how funerals transformed in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 2018. vol 373. >1-7
佐藤康一郎他. 変貌するベトナムの葬送文化. 佐藤康一郎編『変容するベトナムの社会構造』(専修大学出版局). 2017. >121-151
嶋根 克己. Katu 族の棺. 専修大学社会科学研究所月報. 2017. 642. >116-121
嶋根 克己. 近代化する葬儀の諸問題:ベトナムと日本の比較から. 専修大学社会科学研究所月報. 2016. >23-33
シマネ カツミ. Xã hội vô cảm và giai đoạn cuối đời trong thời đại ít trẻ em- già hóa dân số ở Nhật Bản. Quan hệ Việt Nam- Nhật Bản 40 năm nhìn lại và định hướng tương lai, Nhà xuất bản Khoa học xã hội. 2014. >310-323
MISC (30):
嶋根 克己. 少子化进程中葬礼的变化趋势. 家族企业杂志社/家族企业. 2018. >33-34
嶋根 克己. 森謙二著『墓と葬送の社会史』『墓と葬送のゆくえ』. 有斐閣. 2016. 82号. >282-289
嶋根 克己. 現代における墓地の存在意義. 土生田純之編『事典墓の考古学』(吉川弘文堂). 2013. >370-373
嶋根 克己. 火葬と散骨. 土生田純之編『事典墓の考古学』(吉川弘文堂). 2013. >366-369
大矢根淳, 樋口博美. 社会学教育を変えた調査実習--専修大学社会学専攻の試み--. 『社会と調査』(社会調査協会). 2009. 第2号. >81-85
Books (13):
Modernized Funeral: Comparison between Vietnam and Japan
Building a Sustainable Development Society: Vietnam-Japan Cooperation 2018 ISBN:9786049619199
L'experience mortuaire des societes urbaines nipponnes
La Place des morts dans les megalopoles d'Asie orientale. Les Indes savantees 2013 ISBN:9782846543361
The Experience of Death in Japan's Urban Societies
Invisible Population; the place of The Dead in East Asian Megacities:(Lexington Books) 2012 ISBN:9780739171448
『中国社会の現状III』(専修大学出版局) 2011 ISBN:9784881252604
専修大学出版局 2010
Lectures and oral presentations (33):
Role of Higher Education for Human Resources: Comparison Japan and Vietnam
(Improving Quality of Population: Intenational Experince and Suggestions for Vietnam 2019)
Transformation of Ancestor Worship in Vietnam and Japan Under Shrinking Family
(APSA Conference 2018 2018)
Transformation of the Family and funeral system during Modernization
(The Third Conference of International Consortium for Social Well-Being Studies 2018)
Ancestor Worship and Subjective Well-being: Cross-national Comparison between East and Southeast Asian Countries
(2nd Conference of International Consortium for Social Well-being Studies 2017)
The rights to be cared in the end-of-life and after-life; Transformation of aging and dying in Japan
(Marx 200; Karl Marx's though on distributive justice and its current relevance 2017)
Education (1):
Professional career (1):
Work history (1):
- 2006/05 - 2007/03 The National Center for University Entrance Examinations
Awards (1):
Association Membership(s) (4):
Japanese Association for Social Reserch
, 日仏社会学会
, Kanto Sociological Society
, 日本社会学会
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