J-GLOBAL ID:200901037880301844   Update date: Feb. 29, 2024

Tetsuya Takahashi

Tetsuya Takahashi
Research field  (2): Science education ,  Algebra
Research keywords  (5): 高等教育 ,  大学数学教育 ,  代数曲線を用いた公開鍵暗号 ,  整教論 ,  Number Theory
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (23):
  • 2019 - 2023 Study on Building Reinforcing Loops to Evaluate and Improve Educational Programs for University Quality Assurance
  • 2015 - 2018 Development of flipped classroom model for college mathematics with web-based materials suited for smartphone
  • 2014 - 2018 Research on the development and operation of university mathematics educational contents database
  • 2014 - 2017 A study on the system of utilization and disclosure of educational information in management of teaching and learning in Japanese universities and colleges
  • 2009 - 2014 A research on development and long-term evaluation of e-learning materials for promoting students' understanding of mathematical concepts
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Papers (5):
  • Aya Comuta, Mitsuru Kawazoe, Tetsuya Takahashi, Isamu Yoshizawa. Construction of Pairing-Friendly Hyperelliptic Curves Based on the Closed Formulae of the Order of the Jacobian Group. IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONICS COMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTER SCIENCES. 2010. E93A. 6. 1132-1139
  • Mitsuru Kawazoe, Tetsuya Takahashi. Pairing-Friendly Hyperelliptic Curves with Ordinary Jacobians of Type y(2) = x(5) + ax. PAIRING-BASED CRYPTOGRAPHY - PAIRING 2008. 2008. 5209. 164-177
  • Aya Comuta, Mitsuru Kawazoe, Tetsuya Takahashi. Pairing-friendly elliptic curves with small security loss by Cheon's algorithm. INFORMATION SECURITY AND CRYPTOLOGY - ICISC 2007. 2007. 4817. 297-+
  • M Haneda, M Kawazoe, T Takahashi. Suitable curves for genus-4 HCC over prime fields: Point counting formulae for hyperelliptic curves of type y(2)=x(2k+1)+ax. AUTOMATA, LANGUAGES AND PROGRAMMING, PROCEEDINGS. 2005. 3580. 539-550
  • E Furukawa, M Kawazoe, T Takahashi. Counting points for hyperelliptic curves of type y(2) = x(5) + ax over finite prime fields. SELECTED AREAS IN CRYPTOGRAPHY. 2004. 3006. 26-41
MISC (32):
  • 鈴木 久男, 山田 礼子, 林 哲介, 高橋 哲也, 細川 敏幸. Development and Educational Practice of STEM as a Contemporary Liberal Arts Subject. 大学教育学会誌 = Journal of Japan Association for College and University Education. 2016. 38. 2. 87-89
  • 高橋 哲也, 宇野 勝博, 深堀 聰子, 水町 龍一. Quality Assurance in Mathematical Science Education as General Education : Research Results and Challenges. 大学教育学会誌 = Journal of Japan Association for College and University Education. 2016. 38. 1. 35-41
  • 畑野 快, 上垣 友香理, 高橋 哲也. Is active learning related to learning outcomes? : Focusing on the relationship between the change in active learning and learning outcomes for three-years in undergraduate program. 大学教育学会誌 = Journal of the Liberal and General Education Society of Japan. 2015. 37. 1. 86-94
  • 高橋 哲也. On the mathematical literacy in undergraduate education. 大学教育学会誌 = Journal of the Liberal and General Education Society of Japan. 2015. 37. 1. 39-44
  • Tetsuya Takahashi, Akitaka Hoshino, Shinichi Mizokami. Analysis Using a Combination of Student Surveys and E-portfolios. Kyoto University researches in higher education. 2014. 20. 1-15
Books (5):
  • Suitable curves for genus-4 HCC over prime fields: point counting formulae for hyperelliptic curves of type $y\sp 2=x\sp {2k+1}+ax$
    Springer, Berlin 2005
  • Counting Points for Hyperelliptic Curves of type y^2 = x^5 + ax over Finite Prime Fields
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer 2004
  • Counting Points for Hyperelliptic Curves of type y^2 = x^5 + ax over Finite Prime Fields
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer 2004
  • P進体上の簡約代数群のadmissible表現論入門
  • Interoduction to the theory of admissible representations of reductive algebraic groups over P-adic field.
    Rokko Lectures in Mathematics (Department of Mathematics, Kobe University) 1998
Education (4):
  • - 1987 Kyoto University
  • - 1987 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science
  • - 1985 Kyoto University Faculty of Science
  • - 1985 Kyoto University Faculty of Science
Professional career (1):
  • (BLANK) (Kyoto University)
Work history (2):
  • 2022/04 - 現在 Osaka Metropolitan University
  • 2011/04 - 2022/03 Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences Professor
Association Membership(s) (4):
日本教育工学会 ,  大学教育学会 ,  日本数学教育学会 ,  日本数学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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