J-GLOBAL ID:200901038330462480   Update date: Oct. 04, 2024

Kono Yasuyuki

コウノ ヤスユキ | Kono Yasuyuki
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor,Professor
Research field  (4): Rural environmental engineering and planning ,  Local studies ,  Environmental policy and society ,  Environmental impact assessment
Research keywords  (7): 自然資源管理 ,  東南アジア研究 ,  地域研究 ,  Environmental Preservation ,  Drainage and Reclamation Engineering and Rural Planning ,  Irrigation ,  Wide Area
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (45):
  • 2024 - 2029 The development logics of rural Southeast Asia derived from the paradox of de-agrarianization and agriculturalization
  • 2022 - 2025 Economic-social-environmental connections in rural Southeast Asia: investigating the process of economic growth over a 40-year period
  • 2017 - 2021 Agenda setting for sustainable development of Southeast Asian agriculture and rural society
  • 2016 - 2020 Construction of an Information Infrastructure to Support Sharing and Utilization of "Knowledge of Areas"
  • 2015 - 2019 A Survey on the Transition and Resilience of a 'War-affected Society' on the Southeast Asian Mainland
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Papers (75):
  • Ke-Sheng Cheng, Jia-Yi Ling, Teng-Wei Lin, Yin-Ting Liu, You-Chen Shen, Yasuyuki Kono. Quantifying Uncertainty in Land-Use/Land-Cover Classification Accuracy: A Stochastic Simulation Approach. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 2021. 9
  • Xiaobo Hua, Yasuyuki Kono. Excavating agrarian transformation under ‘secure’ crop booms: Insights from the China-Myanmar borderland. The Journal of Peasant Studies (FJPS). 2021
  • Tuyen Nghiem, Yasuyuki Kono, Stephen J. Leisz. Crop Boom as a Trigger of Smallholder Livelihood and Land Use Transformations: The Case of Coffee Production in the Northern Mountain Region of Vietnam. Land. 2020. 9. 2. 56-56
  • Xiaobo Hua, Yasuyuki Kono, Le Zhang, Erqi Xu, Renshan Luo. Land rental in a multi-ethnic society: Insights from Southwest China. Land Use Policy. 2020. 97. 104743
  • Xiaobo Hua, Yasuyuki Kono. Reconsidering land system changes in the borderlands: Insights from the China-ASEAN borderland. Problemy Ekorozwoju. 2020. 15. 1. 179-187
MISC (195):
  • 近年の実績とこれからの20年に向けての課題. 第23回京都大学全学教育シンポジウム報告書 2040年に向けた京都大学の教育のグランドデザイン. 2020. 22-31
  • 河野泰之. チャンスをつかむ研究者精神と大学文化. 京都大学からはじめる研究者の歩きかた-次世代フォーラム. 2020
  • 河野泰之. 京都大学 独創的な研究活動を通じて未来社会への貢献を果たす. 東洋経済ACADEMIC「SDGsに取り組む大学特集」. 2019. 38-41
  • 出口康夫, 若林靖永, 河野泰之. 「一枚の写真-ビジュアルが発するSIGNAL」. Academic Groove. 2019. 1. 4-5
  • Kono, Yasuyuki. Kyoto University On-site Laboratory Initiative. Proceedings of Kyoto University International Symposium. 2019
Books (54):
  • Dynamic Agriculture in East Asia: Land-Livelihood Interactions
    MDPI 2023
  • Challenges in Responsible Agricultural Investment: Focusing on the Development of the Rubber Industry in Laos
    2022 ISBN:9784906332588
  • 東南アジア大陸部の戦争と地域住民の生存戦略
    明石書店 2020
  • 「日本は効率と大量生産を追い続けられるか」,日立京大ラボ編『Beyond Smart Life 好奇心が駆動する社会』
    日経BP社 2020
  • Bridging the Disciplinary Divide: 50 years of research at the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Japan-ASEAN Transdisciplinary Studies Working Paper Series 8
    Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University. 2019
Lectures and oral presentations  (72):
  • Opening
    (Joint seminar on sustainable development of agricultural and rural livelihood in China and Japan 2023)
  • Opening address
    (International seminar on “Sustainable development path of rural Northeast Thailand 2023)
  • Advanced Technology and the Sustainable Development of Thai Society
    (14th International Conference on Thai Studies 2022)
  • Transformation of agriculture and rural livelihood in Japan
    (日中の農業と農村生業の持続可能な発展を目指したセミナー 2021)
  • 挑戦する人材の育成と知のフロンティアの開拓 -科学技術イノベーションに向けて
    (第12回日中学長会議 開放、イノベーション、融合 -日中協働による高等教育の新たな展開を目指して- 2021)
Education (4):
  • - 1986 The University of Tokyo
  • - 1986 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Agricultural Science Department of Agricultural Engineering
  • - 1981 The University of Tokyo
  • - 1981 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agrichlture Engeneering
Professional career (1):
  • Doctor of Agriculture,Master of Agriculture (The University of Tokyo)
Awards (1):
  • 2005 - 第11回アジア太平洋出版連合出版賞(学術部門金賞) Ecological Destruction, Health, and Development(共編)
Association Membership(s) (7):
Asian Association for Agricultural Engineering ,  熱帯生態学会 ,  熱帯農業学会 ,  水文・水資源学会 ,  東南アジア学会 ,  International Water Resources Association ,  農業土木学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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