J-GLOBAL ID:200901038335118397
Update date: Jan. 18, 2006
Haruta Hisayoshi
ハルタ ヒサヨシ | Haruta Hisayoshi
Affiliation and department:
Research field (2):
Safety engineering
, Social systems engineering
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 中国西部開発研究
- Technologyを育む人と組織のあり方
- West China Development Study
- Man and Its Groups on R&D in the Information Age
MISC (2):
国土開発と意思決定. 名古屋大学大学院国際開発研究科. 1999. 79
National Development and Decision-Makings. Graduate School of Int'l Development, Nagoya University. 1999. 79
Books (4):
新評論社 1998
Political Theory and Public Policies(Co-authors)
Shin-Hyoron CO. , Ltd. 1998
名古屋大学出版会 1995
The Urbanization and Social Change in Japan
Nagoya University Press 1995
Professional career (1):
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本建築学会
, 米国経済学会(American Economic Association)
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