J-GLOBAL ID:200901038336428900
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024
Satoh Susumu
サトウ ススム | Satoh Susumu
Research field (2):
, Pharmaceuticals - health and biochemistry
Research keywords (6):
, 腎
, 血行動態
, Blood Vessel
, Kidney
, Hemodynamics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
Study on the Control Mechanism of Blood Pressure
Drug interaction effects on antitumor drugs
Study on mechanisms of action of antihypertensive drugs
Study on control mechanisms of blood pressure
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MISC (54):
K Tan-No, F Niijima, O Nakagawasai, T Sato, S Satoh, T Tadano. Development of tolerance to the inhibitory effect of loperamide on gastrointestinal transit in mice. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES. 2003. 20. 3. 357-363
SATO Takumi, WATANABE Hiroyuki, FURUTA Seiichi, TERUI Jun, NAKAYAMA Daisuke, ONODERA Kenji, SATOH Susumu, SAKURADA Shinobu. Involvement of Spinal δ-Opioid Receptor Subtype in Stress-induced Antinociception caused by Repeated Exposure to Forced Walking Stress in Mice. 2003. 65. 1/2. 11-15
SATO Takumi, WATANABE Hiroyuki, FURUTA Seiichi, TERUI Jun, NAKAYAMA Daisuke, ONODERA Kenji, SATOH Susumu, SAKURADA Shinobu. Involvement of Spinal δ-Opioid Receptor Subtypes in Stress-induced Antinociception caused by Repeated Exposure to Forced Walking Stress in MIce. Oyo Yakuri/Pharmacometrics. 2003. 65. 1/2. 11-15
T Yatsu, H Kurosawa, M Hayashi, S Satoh. The role of Ca2+ in the control of renin release from dog renal cortical slices. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY. 2003. 458. 1-2. 191-196
S Sakaguchi, Y Iizuka, S Furusawa, M Ishikawa, S Satoh, M Takayanagi. Role of Zn2+ in oxidative stress caused by endoxtoxin challenge. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY. 2002. 451. 3. 309-316
Education (4):
- 1967 Tohoku University
- 1967 Tohoku University Graduate School, Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences Pharmaceutical Sciences
- 1962 Tohoku University Faculty of Medicine
- 1962 Tohoku University Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Professional career (1):
Doctor of Phylosophy (Tohoku University)
Work history (1):
Nihon Pharmaceutical University Professor
Committee career (4):
1995 - 1996 日本薬学会 理事
1995 - 1996 The Pharmaceutical Society Bords of Director
1992 - 1993 日本薬理学会 評議員、監事、名誉会員
1992 - 1993 The Japan Pharmacologycal Society Councior, Auditor, Honorary Member(since 2000)
Awards (2):
2000 - 日本薬学会教育賞
The Pharmaceutical Sosiety of Japan Award Educational Services
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 日本薬理学会
, The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
, The Pharmaceutical Society
, The Japan Pharmacologycal Society
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in
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