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Mihoko ARAI, Yoko SHIMIZU, Seijiro YATO, Mayumi YOSHIDA. A Study on the Evaluation System of Childcare Center in Korea :Analysis of "2019 Evaluation System manual ". The Journal of The Teaching Career Center of Aichi University of Education. 2023. 8. 121-128
Professional Training in Early Childhood Education to Promote an Understanding of Children.-Befor and After Practice Teaching-. Bulletin of Seinan Jogakuin Junior College. 1997. No.44
Shimizu Yoko, Iwata Mihoko, Matukuma Reiko. Interrelationships between Family, Kindergarten, and College : Teachers in the Early Childhood Education Department (Part 2.) : Interaction between Teachers and Children from a Mother-Child Class. Bulletin of Seinan Jogakuin Junior College. 1995. 第42号 pp.61-71. 61-71
Development Study of Evaluation Checklist for Improving the Quality of Childcare in Japan;Using the Korean Childcare Center Evaluation Manual Index
(2023The Korean Society for Early Childhood Education KSECE 12th International Conference 2023)
A Master of Arts (Fukuoka University of Education)
人間科学博士 (甲南女子大学)
Work history (1):
2016/04 - 現在 KYUSHU SANGYO UNIVERSITY Childhood Education Ph.D.
Committee career (1):
2016/04 - 現在 日本保育学会 理事
Awards (1):
2011/05 - 日本保育学会 保育学文献賞 豊田芙雄と草創期の幼稚園教育
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 日本子ども支援学会
, 日本保育学会
, The Japanese Society for the Education of Young Children
, The Japan Society for the Study of Education
, Japan Society of Research on Early Childhood Care and Education