2001 - 2003 Identification and characterization of scaffold porteis in JNK cascades
1999 - 2001 アポトーシスに関与するJNKカスケードのスキャホールドタンパク質の解析
2000 - 2000 JNKカスケードにおける足場タンパク質の同定とその解析
1998 - 1999 Studies on cell death in nervous system via the JNK cascede.
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Papers (79):
Shun Hayashi, Kei Tamura, Daisuke Tsukamoto, Yusaku Ogita, Nobuhiko Takamatsu, Michihiko Ito. Promoter generation for the chimeric sex-determining gene dm-W in Xenopus frogs. Genes & genetic systems. 2023. 98. 2. 53-60
Nobuhiko Takamatsu, Yuiho Shirahata, Kota Seki, Erina Nakamaru, Michihiko Ito, Daisuke Tsukamoto. Heat shock factor 1 induces a short burst of transcription of the clock gene Per2 during interbout arousal in mammalian hibernation. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2023. 299. 4. 104576-104576
Shuuji Mawaribuchi, Yoshikazu Haramoto, Nozomi Ikeda, Michihiko Ito. Evolutionary features of ligands and their receptors via protein-protein interactions and essentiality in primates. GENES TO CELLS. 2023. 28. 4. 258-266
Shuuji Mawaribuchi, Michihiko Ito, Mitsuaki Ogata, Yuri Yoshimura, Ikuo Miura. Parallel Evolution of Sex-Linked Genes across XX/XY and ZZ/ZW Sex Chromosome Systems in the Frog Glandirana rugosa. GENES. 2023. 14. 2
Shun Hayashi, Kosuke Suda, Fuga Fujimura, Makoto Fujikawa, Kei Tamura, Daisuke Tsukamoto, Ben J Evans, Nobuhiko Takamatsu, Michihiko Ito. Neofunctionalization of a non-coding portion of a DNA transposon in the coding region of the chimerical sex-determining gene dm-W in Xenopus frogs. Molecular biology and evolution. 2022. 39. 7
奥山ほのか, 稲積しおり, 荻田悠作, 井口竣友, 回渕修治, 林舜, 須田皓介, 田村啓, 田村啓, 塚本大輔, et al. Molecular evolution of the mammalian sex-determining gene Sry from a eutherian ancestor to extant species. 日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web). 2023. 46th
奥山ほのか, 荻田悠作, 井口竣友, 回渕修治, 林舜, 田村啓, 高松信彦, 土屋育, 土屋育, 平林美果, et al. Functional molecular evolution of the mammalian sex-determining gene Sry: eutherians vs marsupials. 日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web). 2022. 45th
A “Jump-Corruption evolution” model for the rise and fall of sex-determining genes
(The 23rd annual meeting of Society of Evolutionary Studies, Japan 2021)
A new sex-determining system after allotetraploidization by hybridizatoin between clawed frog Xenopus species
“下克上”遺伝子進化仮説 〜性決定の可塑性
(第20回日本進化学会 シンポジウム 2018)
(国立成育医療研究センター 特別セミナー 2018)
Evolution of sex-determining genes against default sex in vertebrates including amphibians
(Special seminar of Amphibian Research Center 2018)