J-GLOBAL ID:200901038998600281
Update date: Sep. 13, 2024
Ken Aoki
アオキ ケン | Ken Aoki
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (3):
Public economics, labor economics
, Economic policy
, Theoretical economics
Research keywords (2):
Industrial Organization of Health Care Markets
, Health Economics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (10):
- 2013 - 2018 都市を大震災から守るための事前的対策と事後的対策についての時間整合性に関する研究
- 2013 - 2017 DPC 参加に伴う病院間の戦略的相互依存と医療費の関係に関する理論的・実証的研究
- 2010 - 2014 医療サービスの生産性向上による医師不足解消策の実現可能性に関する定量分析
- 2010 - 2013 公共財と公共資源をめぐる紛争解決のための利害調整ルールの多面的研究
- 2007 - 2010 品質が契約できない市場で、非分配制約を強制した場合と選択可能にした場合の厚生比較
- 2005 - 2008 Efficiency Analysis of Economic Planning Policy : Feasibility Studies of Experimental and Empirical Method
- 2005 - 2007 医療資源の地域的分布に関する日米比較研究
- 2002 - 2005 複数市場の均衡を利用することで個票データの不足を集計量で補完する方法の開発と応用
- 2000 - 2003 アメリカにおける放射線ガン治療技術の開発と導入に関する歴史的・実証的研究:スタンフォード大学における産学協同をケーススタディとして
- 2000 - 2002 非営利規制が医療機関の参入および機会主義的行動に及ぼす影響の理論的・実証的研究
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Papers (9):
出島敬久, 青木研, 中里透, 竹田陽介. ポスト・コロナ危機の経済. 上智経済論集. 2022. 67. 1, 2. 45-81
中川雅之, 浅田義久, 青木研, 川西諭, 山崎福寿. 都市規模の決定に関するフィールド実験. 住宅土地経済. 2013. 89. 10-18
Ken Aoki. A Note on the Distinction between Two Market Conditions in Japanese Health Care Market: Excess Demand vs SID. Sophia Economic Review. 2013. 58. 1. 23-28
青木研, 川西諭, 中川雅之, 浅田義久, 山崎福寿. 地方公共財供給制度の実験的手法による評価について -花粉症対策事業を題材として-. Discussion Paper. 2009. 47
AOKI KEN. Problems with the Diamond's Paradox in Searching for Experts. Journal of Health Care and Society. 2003. 13. 1. 27-37
MISC (4):
AOKI KEN. Coordination or integration: a comparative study on performance of health care delivery systems. International Health Economics Association 7th World Congress. 2009
On a determinant of the geopraphical distribution of medical resources : conmparative study of Japan and the US. Health research news. 2008. 51. 9-10
AOKI KEN. The Welfare Effect of Compulsory Nonprofit Status as a System for Banning Signaling in Japanese Hospital Market. 2007
AOKI KEN. The Welfare Effect of Banning Signaling in Not-for-Profit Industries. iHEA 2007 6th World Congress: Explorations in Health Economics Paper. 2007
Books (5):
『どうなる私たちの資本主義』 「マーケットのデザイン」
上智大学出版会 2011 ISBN:9784324092033
東洋経済新報社 2003 ISBN:4492394028
東洋経済新報社 2001 ISBN:4492700730
Health Economics of Japan, "Functional Differentiation and Competition"
University of Tokyo Press 1996 ISBN:4130671057
Health economics of Japan, "Technical Efficiency of Hospitals"
University of Tokyo Press 1996 ISBN:4130671057
Lectures and oral presentations (9):
Does Increased Number of CHWs Mean Increased Supply of Their Services?
(EuHEA Conference 2024 2024)
Does Increased Number of CHWs Mean Increased Supply of Their Services?
Coordination or integration: a comparative study on performance of health care delivery systems.
(7th World Congress of the International Health Economics Association at Beijing 2009)
A Note on the Distinction between Two Market Conditions in Japanese Health Care Market: Excess Demand vs SID
(Japanese Economic Society 2008)
The Welfare Effect of Compulsory Nonprofit Status as a System for Banning Signaling in Japanese Hospital Market
(Japanese Economic Society 2007)
Education (1):
- 1992 - 1995 Sophia University Graduate School, Division of Economics
Professional career (2):
- 経済学士 (山形大学)
- 修士(経済学) (上智大学)
Association Membership(s) (2):
International Health Economics Association
, Japanese Economic Association
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