2018 - 2023 Analysis of fucosylated protein of high risk prostate cancer and the development of novel therapy
2019 - 2022 Development of novel liquid biopsy for viable-peritoneal tumor cells in peritoneal lavage fluid in pancreatic cancer
2019 - 2022 Development of novel mdeical technology and pathologic analyses with next generation antibody
2020 - 2022 糖鎖を標的にした新たな肝臓がん発症機構の解明とその利用
2016 - 2019 Clinical impact of viable circulating tumor cells (v-CTC) detection and PD-L1 expression on v-CTC in the patients with resectable pancreatic cancer
2016 - 2019 Is Rab11 involved in non-vesicular transport of cholesterol?
2016 - 2019 Establishment of non-invasive diagnosis methods, using comvination of glyco-biomarkers
2015 - 2019 Development of a novel therapy and assessment method for NASH targeting glycosylation modification
2013 - 2016 The detection of viable human circulating tumor cellsin resectable pancreatic cancer
2012 - 2015 Development of novel glyco-biomarkers for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) based on the adipocytokine dysregulation
2014 - 2015 IgG糖鎖解析による慢性炎症性疾患診断法の開発
2009 - 2014 Development of glyco-biomarkers for predicting life-style related diseases
2010 - 2012 Pancreatic cancer immunotherapy using tumor lysate vaccine, engineered to express α-gal epitopes, can target pancreatic cancer stem cells
2008 - 2010 Analysis of NASH pathophysiology using glycobiological technique
2008 - 2009 癌患者におけるフコシル化蛋白増加の分子機構の解明
2007 - 2009 Role of glycosylation in the oncogenesis of gastrointestinal sarcoma
2006 - 2007 肺癌および随伴肺疾患における糖転移酵素の発現異常に関する研究
2004 - 2005 Aberrant fucosylation of cancer in Gastroenterology and hepatology and its mechanisms
2003 - 2005 肺癌における糖転移酵素の発現異常の臨床的・生物学的意義に関する研究
2001 - 2005 Integrated analyses of biological functions of sugar chains : Glycomics
2004 - 2004 マトリプターゼの分解抑制に基づくがん診断法の確立
2003 - 2003 マトリプターゼの分解抑制に基づく消化器がん診断法の確立
2002 - 2003 A Study for Clinical Application of TGP-β Activation-Inhibitory Peptide "LSKL" for Progressive Liver Damage
2001 - 2002 Identification of intracellular target molecules of glyco-genes and functional glycomics for those proteins
2001 - 2001 新しいトランスメンブランシグナリングとしての糖鎖シグナルネットワーク
2000 - 転写因子ets-1を介した糖転移酵素GnT-Vの癌転移、浸潤メカニズムの解明
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Papers (522):
Munefumi Shimosaka, Jumpei Kondo, Mamika Sonoda, Rui Kawaguchi, Emika Noda, Kaho Nishikori, Asuka Ogata, Shinji Takamatsu, Ken Sasai, Hirofumi Akita, et al. Invasion of pancreatic ductal epithelial cells by Enterococcus faecalis is mediated by fibronectin and enterococcal fibronectin-binding protein A. Scientific Reports. 2025. 15. 1
Yoshihiro Kamada, Yoshio Sumida, Hirokazu Takahashi, Hideki Fujii, Eiji Miyoshi, Atsushi Nakajima. Utility of Mac-2 binding protein glycosylation isomer as an excellent biomarker for the prediction of liver fibrosis, activity, and hepatocellular carcinoma onset: an expert review. Journal of gastroenterology. 2024
Naoki Morishima, Maki Iwaisako, Yoshihiro Kamada, Miyako Nakano, Masafumi Shiida, Tatsuya Ono, Reika Sonoda, Risa Uemura, Daisuke Sakon, Munefumi Shimosaka, et al. Generation and validation of antibody 42B1 recognizing galactose-deficient IgG for diagnosis of chronic inflammatory diseases. Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry. 2024. 566. 120052-120052
Yoshiyuki Manabe, Tomoyuki Takebe, Satomi Kasahara, Koki Hizume, Kazuya Kabayama, Yoshihiro Kamada, Akiko Asakura, Shinichiro Shinzaki, Shinji Takamatsu, Eiji Miyoshi, et al. Development of a FUT8 Inhibitor with Cellular Inhibitory Properties. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2024
- 1994 Osaka University Graduate School, Division of Medicine
- 1986 Osaka University Faculty of Medicine Medical School
- 1980 大阪府立北野高校卒業
Professional career (1):
PhD (Osaka University)
Work history (11):
2007 - 現在 Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine Department of Molecular Biochemistry and Clinical Investigation
2020/04 - 2022/03 大阪大学医学部保健学科長
2014/04 - 2016/03 大阪大学医学部保健学科長
2004 - 2007 Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
2002 - 2004 Osaka University School of Allied Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine
2004 - - ブラウン大学肝臓病センター 客員助教授
2000 - - 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科 助手
1998 - 1999 長寿科学振興財団リサーチレジデント
1995 - 1998 Osaka University Hospital
1994 - 1995 阪大第一内科 研究生
1987 - 1990 阪大第一内科 研究生
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Committee career (7):
2022/07 - 現在 日本分子腫瘍マーカー研究会 監事
2020/05 - 現在 日本臨床検査技師教育協議会 副理事長
- 2018/11 日本生化学会 理事
日本糖質学会 評議員
日本癌学会 評議員
日本肝臓病学会 評議員、指導医
アメリカ癌学会 Active member
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Awards (4):
2012 - 高松宮妃癌研究助成金
2002 - 第22回日本分子腫瘍マーカー研究会奨励賞
2000 - 第19回日本癌学会奨励賞
1994 - 山村賞
Association Membership(s) (9):
, 日本分子腫瘍マーカー研究会
, 日本肝臓病学会
, アメリカ癌学会
, 日本糖質学会
, 日本生化学会