J-GLOBAL ID:200901040382768957
Update date: Sep. 19, 2022
Makino Yukari
マキノ ユカリ | Makino Yukari
Homepage URL (1):
Research keywords (2):
Logical Thinking;Dialogue;Narrative;Argumentation;Language;
, Curriculum Development;Dialogical Learning;Multiliteracies;Group Activity;Information and Communication Technology;
Papers (33):
Paivi Aarreniemi-Jokipelto, Yukari Makino. Dialogue Design System to Share Information and Construct Knowledge. Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2015. 2015. 670-679
Yukari Makino. Assessment of Learning Outcomes of Knowledge Construction: Criteria for Process and Product of Knowledge Advancement. Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2015. 2015. 1548-1557
Yukari Makino, Irja Leppisaari. Dialogue Design System in a Mass Lecture Class: Bridging the Cultural Gaps in Pedagogy through Operation Videos. Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Media and Technology 2014. 2014. 1361-1370
Yukari Makino. Development of "Soft Argumentation" Workshop for Citizenship Education. 2010. Vol.6, No.2, pp.16-25. 2. 16-25
牧野由香里. 意見カードで情報活用する言語活動-論理的思考力の基礎づくり. 情報コミュニケーション学会研究報告. 2010. Vol.7, No.7, pp.38-43
MISC (1):
牧野由香里, 関西大学総合情報学部牧野ゼミ. ビデオ教材集DVD「対話デザイン」. 2014
Books (8):
対話の文法を可視化する 十字モデルで対話力アップ!
医学書院『看護教育』 2013
ミネルヴァ書房 2013
ひつじ書房 2013
ひつじ書房 2008
Kolme Saietta kasvuun: verkkopedagogiikka, koulutusteknologia ja tyoelamayhteys
Keski-pohjanmaan Ammattikorkeakoulu 2007
Lectures and oral presentations (36):
(平成27 年度ICT利用による教育改善研究発表会 2015)
(日本国際文化学会第14回全国大会 2015)
(大学教育学会第37回大会発表要旨集録 2015)
(第20回大学教育研究フォーラム発表論文集 2014)
Education (2):
- 1996 - Wheaton College Graduate School Communications Department Speech Communication
- - 1991 Shizuoka University Faculty of Education
Professional career (2):
- M.A. in Communications (Wheaton College Graduate School)
- Ph.D. (Kansai University Graduate School)
Work history (1):
- Kansai University Faculty of InformaticsDepartment of Informatics Professor
Awards (2):
- 2006/02/28 - International Association for Development of the Information Society Outstanding Paper Award
- 1996/05/05 - Wheaton College Graduate School The McGlathery Award
Association Membership(s) (3):
, Japan Association for Communication, Information and Society
, Japan Society for Educational Technology
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