Research keywords (4):
earth-planetary science, geology and petrology
, geochemistry and geochronology
, history of the earth and global environmental change
, Antarctifca, India, Africa
Research theme for competitive and other funds (30):
2021 - 2025 極微小領域質量分析から探る地球のストロンチウム同位体進化の解明
2018 - 2023 Development of zircon indicators to reveal behaviors of zirconium in the Earth's surface environment
2018 - 2022 Study on supercontinent evolution based on Proterozoic magmatism recorded in East Antarctica
2016 - 2021 Precise multi isotope geochronological analyses of continental collision process in northern Asia
2015 - 2020 Crust-mantle interaction and compositional variation of continental lithosphere due to collision event
2017 - 2020 ジルコンの多種同位体分析による地殻形成プロセスの解明
2016 - 2019 Clarification of magmatic and tectonic evolution of Quaternary granite
2015 - 2018 Systematization of formation tectonics of high-temperature metamorphic rock based on their P-T path
2015 - 2018 Geological significance of high-K adakitic granite and syenite complex in the early stage of continental break-up
2013 - 2018 Thermobaric structure of low-pressure metamorphic belts and dynamics of crust beneath island arcs
2013 - 2017 Explication of igneous activities during continental collision process by analysis of granitic rocks distributed in East Antarctica
2013 - 2017 Geological and isotopic record of Late Archean glaciation and global environmental changes
2011 - 2015 Does the Great Oxidation Event was instantaneous or episodic?
2010 - 2015 Detailed micro-analyses of lower crustal rocks for understanding the entire metamorphic processes
2013 - 2015 太古代から原生代の地殻プロセス探査によるインド南部と南極との地質リンク
2013 - 2015 地殻形成素過程解明に向けた微小領域高精度ジルコン年代測定の実証研究
2014 - 2014 高感度高分解能イオンマイクロプローブワークショップ
2011 - 2013 Evolution of continental crust and upper mantle during the formation of Gondwana supercontinent: deduced from magma processes
2011 - 2013 Igneous activity and petrogenesis of Late Proterozoic (Grenville Period) intrusions in the Sor Rondane Mountains, East Antarctica
2010 - 2012 Surface environmental change investigated by the deep crustal processes at geologic "eon" boundaries
2008 - 2010 Evolutional process of ultra-high temperature metamorphic terrane- a case study of the Napier Complex, East Antarctica
2008 - 2010 Leading study on the partial melting chain reactions between different rock types in the lower crust
2008 - 2010 副次鉱物に着目した高温~超高温変成作用の解析と年代論とのリンク
2009 - 2009 先カンブリア時代の地殻トラバースにおける地球化学的変化に関する研究
2007 - 2009 West- and East-Gondwana collision and ultra-high temperature metamorphism
2006 - 2009 Detailed Micro-analyses of Metamorphic Evolution of Extreme Metamorphic Rocks
2004 - 2006 微量・希土類元素分配を用いたジルコン・モナザイト年代の解析
1996 - 南極大陸の地質学的、岩石学的、年代学的、地球化学的研究
1996 - Geology, petrology, geochronology and geochemistry of Antarctic continent
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Papers (121):
M. Satish-Kumar, Sasidharan Kiran, Fumiko Higashino, Tetsuo Kawakami, Tomokazu Hokada. Identification of Multiple Thermal Events in High-Grade Metacarbonate Rocks Using Carbon Isotope Thermometry: An Example From the Sør Rondane Mountains, East Antarctica. Geological Journal. 2024
外田, 智千, 足立, 達朗, 森, 祐紀, Lakshmanan, Sreehari. Report on the geological field survey in the regions of Lützow-Holm Bay, Prince Olav Coast and Enderby Land, 2023-2024(JARE-65). 南極資料 (ISSN 2432-079X) Vol.68 (2024). 2024. 68. 36-87
Sotaro Baba, Seira Ohshiro, Atsushi Kamei, Tomokazu Hokada, Ippei Kitano. Low-pressure isobaric cooling metamorphic P-T paths from Botnnuten in the southern Lützow-Holm Complex, East Antarctica. Mineralogy and Petrology. 2024. 118. 3. 367-386
Takuro Yoshioka, Kyuichi Kanagawa, Yoshikuni Hiroi, Takao Hirajima, Martin Svojtka, Tomokazu Hokada, Simon R. Wallis, Takayoshi Nagaya, Akira Miyake. Deformation-induced, retrograde transformation of kyanite to andalusite: An example of felsic granulite in the southern Bohemian Massif. Tectonophysics. 2024. 877. 230293-230293
B.B. Carvalho, O. Bartoli, B. Cesare, M. Satish-Kumar, M. Petrelli, T. Kawakami, T. Hokada, M. Gilio. Revealing the link between A-type granites and hottest melts from residual metasedimentary crust. Geology. 2023
Satish-Kumar M., Horie K., Williams Ian S., Takehara M., Hokada T., Otsuji N. Zircon geochronology in metacarbonate rocks from Sor Rondane Mountains, East Antarctica. Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan. 2017. 2017. 123
Tomokazu Hokada, Sotaro Baba, Atsushi Kamei, Ippei Kitano, Yoichi Motoyoshi, Prayath Nantasin, Nugroho Imam Setiawan, Davaa-Ochir Dashbaatar. Report on the 20162017 (JARE-58) geological field survey of Lützow-Holm Bay, Prince Olav Coast and Enderby Land. Antarctic Record. 2017. 61. 1. 11-56
Kataoka Kyoko S., Toyoshima Tsuyoshi, Mishima Kaoru, Hokada Tomokazu, Satish-Kumar M., Ueno Yuichiro, Kamei Atsushi. Preserved sedimentary structures in the Archean Dharwar Supergroup, southwest India. The Journal of the Geological Society of Japan. 2015. 121. 12. VII-VIII
U-Pb zircon age of Grt-Bt gneiss in Akebono Rock, Prince Olav Coast, East Anatarctica
(日本地質学会学術大会(Web) 2021)
Monazite U-Th-Pb ages of the “unnamed nunatak (Nunatak 170224-3)“ east of Forfinger Point, Western Rayner Complex, Enderby Land, East Antarctica
(極域科学シンポジウム(Web) 2021)
Geochemical study on charnockites in Rundvagshetta, Luetzow-Holm Complex, Antarctica
(極域科学シンポジウム(Web) 2020)
Geologic nature and evolution of Western Rayner Complex, with reference to Point Widdows charnockite and its localized hydration process
(極域科学シンポジウム(Web) 2020)
Cordierite megacrysts in felsic gneiss from Botunnuten in southern Luetzow-Holm Complex, East Antarctica
(極域科学シンポジウム(Web) 2020)