J-GLOBAL ID:200901040866074054   Update date: Jun. 25, 2024

Yoshino Yuji

ヨシノ ユウジ | Yoshino Yuji
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Specially Appointed Professor
Research field  (1): Algebra
Research keywords  (2): 可換環論 ,  Theory of commutative rings
Papers (10):
  • Saeed Nasseh, Maiko Ono, Yuji Yoshino. Diagonal tensor algebra and naive liftings. 2023
  • Saeed Nasseh, Maiko Ono, Yuji Yoshino. On the semifree resolutions of DG algebras over the enveloping DG algebras. 2023
  • Saeed Nasseh, Maiko Ono, Yuji Yoshino. Obstruction to naive liftability of DG modules. 2021
  • Saeed Nasseh, Maiko Ono, Yuji Yoshino. Naive liftings of DG modules. 2021
  • Maiko Ono, Yuji Yoshino. A lifting problem for DG modules. Journal of Algebra. 2021. 566. 342-360
MISC (109):
Books (4):
  • 数学辞典 第4版(分担執筆、項目「ネーター環」「可換環のホモロジー代数」担当)
    岩波書店 2007
  • 基礎課程 線形代数
    サイエンス社 2000 ISBN:9784781909455
  • Cohen-Macaulay modules over Cohen-Macaulay rings
    Cambridge University Press 1990 ISBN:0521356946
  • Cohen-Macaulay modules over Cohen-Macaulay rings
    Cambridge University Press 1990 ISBN:0521356946
Lectures and oral presentations  (54):
  • Local cohomology and t-structure
    (The 5th Japan-Vietnam joint seminar on commutative algebra 2010)
  • Subfunctors of identity functor and t-structures
    (第31回可換環論シンポジウム 2009)
  • Non-graded MCM modules over a graded Gorenstein ring
    (京都大学数理解析研究所・共同利用研究集会「代数的三角圏とその周辺」Kyoto RIMS Workshop on Algebraic Triangulated Categories and Related Topics 2009)
  • フロベニウスの右作用と左作用
    (日本数学会年会 2009)
  • 加法的部分圏の自己同型群
    (日本数学会年会 2009)
Education (4):
  • - 1979 Nagoya University
  • - 1979 Nagoya University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science
  • - 1977 Nagoya University School of Science
  • - 1977 Nagoya University Faculty of Science
Professional career (2):
  • 理学修士 (名古屋大学)
  • 理学博士 (名古屋大学)
Work history (12):
  • 2020/04 - 現在 Okayama University Graduate School of Environmental, Life, Natural Science and Technology Specially Appointed Professor
  • 2017 - 2019 Okayama University Faculty of Science
  • 2017 - 2019 Dean,Faculty of Science,Okayama University
  • 2015 - 2017 Okayama University Faculty of Science
  • 2015 - 2017 Dean,Faculty of Science,Okayama University
Show all
Awards (2):
  • 2015 - 山陽新聞賞(学術功労賞)
  • 2014 - 日本数学会2014年代数学賞
Association Membership(s) (2):
日本数学会 ,  Mathematical Society of Japan
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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