Research field (2):
Wood science
, Environmental load reduction/restoration technology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (14):
2009 - Biorefinery and Pulping of Plantation Woods
2005 - アントラキノン触媒を用いた木材パルプ中の成分分析
2005 - 漂白パルプ製造における環境負荷低減とバイオエネルギー利用
2004 - 2005 無塩素漂白における木材パルプ成分の挙動
2004 - 酵素によるヘキセンウロン酸の除去に関する研究
2003 - 2004 漂白クラフトパルプに関する研究
2000 - 2004 ダイオキシン発生抑制に対する塩素分子を用いないパルプ漂白の効果
2000 - 2001 非木材および古紙パルプの過酸化水素漂白
2000 - 2001 パルプの酸性処理過酸化水素漂白
1996 - 2000 中国塗工紙製造技術に関する調査
1995 - 1997 酸化還元触媒のパルプ蒸解促進効果
1993 - 1994 アントラキノン系触媒を用いた木材パルプ化
Modified quinone pulping
Non chlorine bleaching of wood pulp
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Papers (197):
Tanifuji, Keishi, Nakagawa-izumi, Akiko, Ohi, Hiroshi. Effects of residual lignin and cellulose swelling on the rate of enzymatic saccharification of softwood and hardwood acid sulfite pulps. JOURNAL OF WOOD SCIENCE. 2020. 66. 1
Salaghi, Ayyoub, Putra, Agusta Samodra, Rizaluddin, Andri Taufick, Kajiyama, Mikio, Ohi, Hiroshi. Totally chlorine-free bleaching of prehydrolysis soda pulp from plantation hardwoods consisting of various lignin structures. JOURNAL OF WOOD SCIENCE. 2019. 65. 1
Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches Waste as A Promising Feedstock for Biorefinery Products: Holistic Approach with Economic, Energy and nvironmental Consideration
(7th Asian Conference on Biomass Science (ACBS2019) 2019)
Potential of Microalgae Fuel Production at Wastewater Treatment
(7th Asian Conference on Biomass Science (ACBS2019) 2019)
Consequential LCA in the Feasibility Study of Integrated EFB-based Dissolving Pulp and Furfural Production
(The 2019 International Conference on Green Energy and Environmental Technology 2019)
Investigation of the Best-case Scenario of Rice Husk/ Briquetto Combustion for Lower Particulate Matter Emission
(Energy & the Environment (ECSEE2019) 2019)
P-49 Life Cycle Assessment of Dissolving Pulp and Furfural made from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches Waste
(第 14回バイオマス科学会議 2019)
1975 - 1980 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Agriculture
Professional career (2):
修士(農学) (東京大学)
博士(農学) (東京大学)
Work history (10):
2011/03 - 現在 Universiti Sains Malaysia School of Industrial Technology Field Supervisor
2010/04 - 現在 Asian Institute of Technology Pulp and Paper Technology, School of Environment/ Resources and Development Visiting Professor
2010/02/01 - 現在 University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences Professor
2007/05/01 - 現在 University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences Associate Professor
1997/03/01 - 現在 University of Tsukuba
1992/12/16 - 現在 University of Tsukuba
1990/05/16 - 現在 (株)日本紙パルプ研究所 副主任研究員
1989/05/01 - 現在 Institute of Paper Science and Technology USA Postdoctoral Fellow
1988/04/01 - 現在 日本学術振興会 特別研究員
1982/04/01 - 現在 本州製紙株式会社 釧路工場員・開発研究所員
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Awards (6):
2013/10/05 - 紙パルプ技術協会賞ならびに印刷朝陽会賞
2009/10/07 - 紙パルプ技術協会賞ならびに印刷朝陽会賞
2005/10/12 - 紙パルプ技術協会賞ならびに印刷朝陽会賞
2003/10/15 - 紙パルプ技術協会賞ならびに印刷朝陽会賞
1998/10/14 - 紙パルプ技術協会賞ならびに印刷局朝陽会賞
1995/02 - 松籟科学技術振興財団
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Association Membership(s) (5):
Swedish Association of Pulp and Paper Engineers
, Pulp and Paper Technical Association of Canada
, Japan Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
, TAPPI (米国紙パルプ技術協会)