J-GLOBAL ID:200901041229982024
Update date: Aug. 30, 2022
Takagiwa Sumio
タカギワ スミオ | Takagiwa Sumio
Research field (1):
Literature - European
Research keywords (2):
, Eighteenth-Century English Literature
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
MISC (32):
Takagiwa Sumio. The Spectator Papers on Opera. Foreign literature. 2001. 50. 50. 123-138
The Spectator on Opera. Foreign Literature. 2001. 50. 123-138
『万国史現代編まとめ』から『世界各国現況』へ-スモレットの編纂手法に関する一考察. 『外国文学』第49号. 2000. 49. 129-145
From The Conclusion of the Modern History to The Present State of All Nations-An Inguiry into Smollett's Techique of Compilation. Foreign Literature. 2000. 49. 129-145
Takagiwa Sumio. Problems of Quotation in the Third Chapter of Soseki Natume's Literary Essays and their Possible Origin. Bulletin of the Faculty of General Education, Utsunomiya University. Section 1. 1994. 28. 1. 61-81
Books (4):
十八世紀イギリス文学研究 1996
Slave Trade in Roderick Random
Studies in Eighteenth-Century English Literature 1996
ミルトンとその光芒 1992
The Position of Addison's Paradise Lost papers in The Spectator
Milton and His Influence 1992
Education (4):
- - 1975 東京教育大学大学院 文学研究科 英文学
- - 1975 Graduate School,Tokyo University of Education Graduate School, Division of Letters Department of English Literature
- - 1972 東京教育大学 文学部 文学科英語学英文学専攻
- - 1972 Tokyo University of Education Faculty of Literature Unit of English Linguistics an Literature, Department of Arts
Professional career (1):
- Master of Arts (Graduate School, Tokyo University of Education)
Work history (8):
- 1980 - 1996 Utsunomiya University
- 1980 - 1996 Utsunomiya University, Assistant Professor
- 1996 - - 宇都宮大学 教授
- 1996 - - Utsunomiya University, Professor
- 1978 - 1980 Niigata University
- 1978 - 1980 Niigata University, Lecturer
- 1975 - 1977 Niigata University
- 1975 - 1977 Niigata University, Research Assistant
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Committee career (1):
- 1988 - 1990 日本ジョンソン協会 会報編集委員
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本18世紀学会
, 日本ジョンソン協会
, 日本英文学会
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