J-GLOBAL ID:200901041486574891
Update date: Mar. 19, 2024
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (2):
, Foreign language education
Research keywords (6):
, impression formation
, character (arche)type
, language attitude
, World Englishes
, intelligibility
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
- 2018 - 2023 Vocal stereotyping: An acoustic and perceptual study of how listeners make inferences about speakers
- 2012 - 2016 自分の発音に自信と誇りを持って話せる日本人英語学習者の育成に向けて
- 2011 - 2015 Comprehensive research of role language
- 2007 - 2010 Investigation into the mechanism of person perception based on auditory cues using voices of heroes and villains in Japanese anime
- 2007 - 2010 A comprehensive study on the theoretical basis of role languages
Papers (20):
勅使河原三保子. 創作物における歯茎顫動音 [r] の表す人物像の変遷 : いわゆる「巻舌」を用いる人物に関する一考察. 駒澤大学外国語論集. 2023. 34. 1-20
勅使河原三保子. 日本語母語話者による日本語および英語の流音の発音の比較. 駒澤大学外国語論集. 2021. 31. 1-22
勅使河原三保子. 声に関するステレオタイプの解明に向けて-音声に基づく人物像の知覚の3次元モデル. 2019. 27. 1-19
Teshigawara Mihoko. Intelligibility and impressions of English spoken by Japanese speakers of English: A perceptual experiment with listeners from five language backgrounds (Part 2). 2017. 23. 1-24
Teshigawara Mihoko. Intelligibility and Impressions of English Spoken by Japanese Speakers of English : A Perceptual Experiment with Listeners from Five Language Backgrounds (Part 1). 2016. 21. 51-72
Books (4):
私たちの日本語研究 : 問題のありかと研究のあり方
朝倉書店 2015 ISBN:9784254510461
Emotions in the Human Voice, Vol. III Culture and perception
Plural Publishing 2008 ISBN:9781597561198
くろしお出版 2007 ISBN:9784874243961
Conference Proceedings. Academic Mobility Blending Perspectives
2007 ISBN:9789512933303
Lectures and oral presentations (15):
Japanese actors’ use of alveolar trills [r]s: An examination of change in the kinds of characters portrayed using the so-called “rolled r”
(2023 Aarhus International Conference on Voice Studies 2023)
日本語母語話者による 日本語および英語の流音の 発音比較-予備的分析-
(日本音響学会2021年春季研究発表会 2021)
Toward expanding our understanding of variability in L2 liquid production
(R-atics6 2019)
(第29回日本音声学会全国大会 2015)
Auditory analysis of an English corpus read by Japanese learners of English
((Phonetic) Building Blocks of Speech in Honour of Professor John Esling 2014)
Works (4):
2015 -
2009 -
2008 -
2008 -
Education (4):
- 1999 - 2004 University of Victoria Faculty of Graduate Studies Department of Linguistics, Ph.D. Program
- 1998 - 2002 Nagoya University Graduate School of International Development Department of International Communication
- 1996 - 1998 Nagoya University Graduate School of International Development Department of International Communication
- 1992 - 1996 Nagoya University School of Letters
Professional career (3):
- Ph.D. in Linguistics (University of Victoria)
- 修士(学術) (名古屋大学)
- 学士(文学) (名古屋大学)
Work history (4):
- 2020/04 - 現在 Komazawa University Faculty of Arts and Sciences
- 2013/04 - 2020/03 Komazawa University Faculty of Arts and Sciences
- 2009/04 - 2013/03 Komazawa University Faculty of Arts and Sciences
- 2006/03 - 2009/03 The University of Tokushima
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本音声学会(国内)
, JACET(国内)
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