Research field (3):
Japanese language education
, Japanese linguistics
, Linguistics
Research keywords (1):
linguistics, Japanese language studies, Japanese language pedagogy
Research theme for competitive and other funds (13):
2021 - 2025 Theoretical and empirical study of the cognitive basis of spatio-temporal mapping
2019 - 2024 推論過程の言語化における地域語のダイナミクスに関する研究:九州方言を中心に
2019 - 2021 空間認知からの時間生成
2015 - 2018 An empirical, theoretical study on verbalization in the reasoning process in Kyushu dialects
2015 - 2017 Design Guidelines of Syntactic Annotation Schema on Japanese Modern Language
2012 - 2015 An Empirical Research on the System of the Conditional Expressions in Kyushu Dialects of Japanese
2009 - 2011 Research on Discourse Understanding based on Discourse Structure
2008 - 2011 A study on utterance-initial-particles : aiming for investigation into the characteristic phenomena of spoken Japanese
2007 - 2010 Inferential Mechanisms and their Linguistic Manifestation
2003 - 2006 The Logic of Everyday Inference and Its Linguistic Forms : With Special Reference to Quantificational Expressions, Conditionals, and Modal Expressions
2003 - 2006 Comparative Semantic Studies on Constructions Expressing Causality
1998 - 1999 条件表現の対照言語学的研究
1996 - 1998 A Theoretical Study of Interface Between Syntactic and Discourse Structures
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Papers (34):
有田節子. Oraciones imperativas acompañadas de una oración condicional en japonés y español. 立命館言語文化研究. 2024. 35. 3. 119-135
Setsuko Arita. Usages of the Spanish "si" conditional form by native Japanese learners and context-dependency. 2023. 117
MATSUMOTO Satomi, ARITA Setsuko. Clause Structure in Japanese Language Textbooks - A Basic Survey for Teaching Japanese Literacy to High School Students with Foreign Roots. 2019. 1. 73-84
ARITA Setsuko. On Sentence and Situation Types by NITTA Yoshio. Journal of Japanese Grammar. 2018. 18. 1. 29-37
MATSUMOTO, Satomi, ASAHARA, Masayuki, ARITA, Setsuko. Japanese clause classification annotation on the `Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese'. Proceedings of Asian Language Resources. 2018. 13
Conditional Constructions in Japanese and Spanish from the Perspective of Contextual Dependency
(Linguistics and Asian Languages, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań 2024)
The expression of logical relationships in Japanese through the use of tense and modality in complex sentences
(Kaken Semantics Workshop (jointly held with Semantics Workshop in Tokai and Kansai) 2023)
A Comparative Study of Tense and Modality in Conditional Clauses in Standard Japanese and the Dialects of Kyushu
(International Symposium on Japanese Studies (Re)-imagining and (re)-translating Japanese culture (online) 2023)
2018/04 - 2021/03 The Linguistic Society of Japan Secretary-general
2018/04 - 2021/03 日本言語学会 事務局長
2010/11 - 2020/03 関西言語学会 編集委員
2015/04 - 2018/03 日本言語学会 常任委員
2016/06 - 日本語学会 常任査読委員
2012/04 - 2015/03 日本言語学会会員 広報委員
2004/07 - 2013/06 言語科学会 運営委員・編集委員
2010/04 - 2013/05 日本語学会 編集委員
2010/04 - 2013/03 日本語文法学会 大会委員
2011/04 - 関西言語学会 運営委員・大会実行委員
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Association Membership(s) (6):
The Society for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Languege
, The Society of Japanese Grammar
, Japanese Cognitive Science Society
, The Society for Japanese Linguistics
, The Linguistic Society of Japan
, Kansai Linguistic Society