J-GLOBAL ID:200901042607445454
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024
Hondoh Takeo
ホンドウ タケオ | Hondoh Takeo
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Affiliation and department:
Hokkaido University Hokkaido University
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Job title:
Vice President
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (4):
Environmental dynamics
, Semiconductors, optical and atomic physics
, Crystal engineering
, Applied materials
Research keywords (6):
, 格子欠陥
, 応用物性学
, Glaciology
, Lattice Defects
, Applied Physics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
2007 - 氷の格子欠陥と氷床過程
2007 - Lattice defects in ice and ice sheet processes
MISC (80):
Hiroshi Ohno, Ikumi Oyabu, Yoshinori Iizuka, Takeo Hondoh, Hideo Narita, Jiro Nagao. Dissociation Behavior of C2H6 Hydrate at Temperatures below the Ice Point: Melting to Liquid Water Followed by Ice Nucleation. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A. 2011. 115. 32. 8889-8894
Subgrain boundaries in Antarctic ice quantified by X-ray Laue diffraction. J. Glaciology. 2011. 57. 201. 85-93
Ice-Shielding Models for Self-Preservation of Gas Hydrates. J. Chem. Chem. Eng. 2011. 5691-705
Toshimitsu Sakurai, Hiroshi Ohno, Shinichiro Horikawa, Yoshinori Iizuka, Tsutomu Uchida, Kazuomi Hirakawa, Takeo Hondoh. The chemical forms of water-soluble microparticles preserved in the Antarctic ice sheet during Termination I. JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY. 2011. 57. 206. 1027-1032
Tsutomu Uchida, Atsushi Miyamoto, Atsushi Shin'yama, Takeo Hondoh. Crystal growth of air hydrates over 720 ka in Dome Fuji (Antarctica) ice cores: microscopic observations of morphological changes below 2000 m depth. JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY. 2011. 57. 206. 1017-1026
Books (4):
Physics of Ice Core Records
Hokkaido University Press 2000
Direct Ocean Disposal of Carbon Dioxide
Terapub 1995
Lattice Defects in Ice Crystals
Hokkaido Univ. Press 1988
R & D プランニング 1987
Work history (1):
1969 - 1971 日立製作所 社員
Awards (1):
2011 - 文部科学大臣表彰
Association Membership(s) (7):
, 日本物理学会
, 日本雪氷学会
, 日本結晶成長学会
, 日本結晶学会
, 国際雪氷学会
, 応用物理学会
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