J-GLOBAL ID:200901043012403096
Update date: Aug. 27, 2020
Hayata Takashi
ハヤタ タカシ | Hayata Takashi
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Human pathology
Research keywords (2):
, Pathology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 子宮内膜症の発生病理
- Pathogenesis of endometriosis
MISC (105):
Dual photon X-ray microanalysis on scanning electron microscopic observation-reviews in the world literatures, referring to my own-. The Bulletin of kagoshima women's junior college. 2003. 38
Dual photon X-ray microanalysis on scanning electron microscopic observation-reviews in the world literatures, referring to my own-. The Bulletin of kagoshima women's junior college. 2003. 38
Hope to the new world in the 21st century. Bulletin of Kagoshima Women's Junior College. 2002. 37
Hope to the new world in the 21st century. Bulletin of Kagoshima Women's Junior College. 2002. 37
末梢血白血球静置沈降凝集塊の病理組織標本としての可能性について. 日本臨床細胞学会九州連合会雑誌. 2001. 32
Books (11):
産婦人科学書3 婦人科腫瘍学 金原出版 1994
産婦人科学書3 婦人科腫瘍学 金原出版 1994
内科と隣接医科 妊娠と口腔疾患
臨床口腔診断学 国際医書出版 1994
臨床口腔診断学 1994
Tumor of peritoneum, additional
Obstetrics & Gynecology 3 gynecologic oncology 1994
Professional career (1):
Association Membership(s) (6):
International society for preventive oncology
, 日本臨床細胞学会
, 日本病理学会
, 日本癌治療学会
, 日本癌学会
, 日本産科婦人科学会
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