J-GLOBAL ID:200901043426716002   Update date: Jun. 09, 2024

Kimura Tominori

キムラ トミノリ | Kimura Tominori
Research field  (4): Allergies and connective tissue disease ,  Virology ,  Cell biology ,  Molecular biology
Research keywords  (1): Molecular cell biology, Virology, Microbiology, Infectious Diseases (Nosocomial infections in particular)
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (8):
  • 2013 - 2014 非コード性RNAに由来する核酸医薬シーズと生分解性ナノ粒子DDSの一体開発による革新的抗インフルエンザ予防・治療薬の創出
  • 2011 - 2011 モルモットインフルエンザモデルによるインターフェロン-αモジュレーターの抗ウイルス活性の評価
  • 2009 - 2009 内因性アンチセンスRNAによるインターフェロン-αの発現調節機能の評価
  • 2007 - 2007 新規RNA核外輸送因子による抗ウイルス性自然免疫調節作用の評価
  • 2003 - 2003 新スペクトラムを有する抗HIV-1薬の開発とウイルス感染調節機構のウイルス学的創薬化学的解析
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Papers (18):
  • Tokifumi Odaka, Ryou Sakamoto, Kazuhiro Kumagai, Kazu Okuma, Mikio Nishizawa, Tominori Kimura. Ephrin type-A receptor 2-antisense RNA1/2 promote proliferation and migration of MDA-MB-231 cells through EPHA2-dependent Ras signaling pathway mediated by MAPK8/JNK1, MAPK9/JNK2-NFATC2/NFAT1 and JUND. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences. 2024. 11
  • Shiwen Jiang, Ryou Sakamoto, Tominori Kimura. A guinea pig IFNA1 gene with antiviral activity against human influenza virus infection. Frontiers in Bioscience (Landmark edition). 2019. 24. 4. 790-797-797
  • Ryou Sakamoto, Shiwen Jiang, Yusuke Tsukamoto, Hiroyuki Tsujimoto, Tominori Kimura. IFN-Alpha1 antisense RNA represses human influenza A virus growth in a guinea pig system. Frontiers in Bioscience (Landmark edition). 2019. 24. 4. 798-818-818
  • Souichi Oe, Tominori Kimura, Hisao Yamada. Regulatory non-coding RNAs in neuronal development and disease. Frontiers in Bioscience (Landmark Edition). 2019. In press
  • Noriyuki Yoshida, Tominori Kimura. Pathogen-associated regulatory non-coding RNAs and oncogenesis. FRONTIERS IN BIOSCIENCE-LANDMARK. 2017. 22. 1599-1621
MISC (4):
  • Mikio Nishizawa, Tominori Kimura. RNA networks that regulate mRNA expression and their potential as drug targets. RNA & Disease. 2016. 3. e864
  • Tominori Kimura, Jiang Shiwen, Mikio Nishizawa, Emi Yoshigai, Iwao Hashimoto. Stabilisation of human interferon-alpha 1 mRNA by its antisense RNA. CYTOKINE. 2011. 56. 1. 5-5
  • Tominori Kimura, Jiang Shiwen, Mikio Nishizawa, Masao Nishikawa. A natural antisense transcript of interferon-alpha 1 gene regulates viral infection-mediated mRNA expression level and further induction of interferon-alpha 1 protein. CYTOKINE. 2009. 48. 1-2. 124-124
  • Tamura Satoru, Shiomi Atsushi, Todo S., Kaneko Masafumi, Shioda Tatsuo, Kimura Tominori, Yoshida Minoru, Nagata Naoya, Nakanishi Isao, Kitaura Kazuo, et al. P-5 Exploration of New Anti-HIV Leads Inhibiting Nuclear Export of Rev Protein on the Basis of Mechanism of Action. Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products, symposium papers. 2006. 48. 253-258
Patents (3):
  • インターフェロン-α発現調節剤
  • Interferon-alpha modulater
  • 呼吸器ウイルス感染症の予防・治療剤
Books (5):
  • AHCC 臨床ガイドブック
    International Congress on Nutritional and Integrative Medicine 2017 ISBN:9784898015858
  • Clinician's guide to AHCC: evidence-based nutritional immunotherapy
    International Congress on Nutrition and Integrative Medicine 2016 ISBN:9784990926403
  • スタンダード薬学シリーズII: 第4巻 生物系薬学 III生体防御と微生物(日本薬学会編)
    東京化学同人 2016 ISBN:9784807917105
  • Life Science 1-From Individual To Molecule- ・3.2 Infectious Diseases
  • 『KEY WORD 感染症 第2版』54. rev 遺伝子
    先端医学社 2008
Lectures and oral presentations  (37):
  • Interferon-alpha1 antisense RNA modulates levels of interferon-alpha1 mRNA expression and antagonizes proliferation of human influenza A virus in a guinea pig model system
    (RNA Therapeutics Conference 2018: From Base Pairs to Bedsides 2018)
  • Active Hexose Correlated Compound suppressed the proliferation of human breast cancer cells at least by reducing EphA2 antisense RNA, and mRNA expression levels
    (The 39th annual meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan 2016)
  • Effect of AHCC on metastatic mammary carcinoma-derived MDA-MB-231 cell proliferation and EphA2 gene expression that affects the tumor cell growth
    (The 24th annual meeting of International Congress on Nutrition and Integrative Medicine 2016)
  • 乳癌培養細胞並びに組織で同定したEphA2アンチセンスRNAの解析
    (第38回日本分子生物学会年会/ 第88回日本生化学会大会合同大会 2015)
  • Natural antisense RNA-based oligoribonucleotide therapeutics for Influenza virus infection
    (日本核酸医薬学会第1回年会 2015)
Works (4):
  • Catching the common cold
    2013 -
  • User Applications, Suspension cells/B-lymphoblastoid cells (Namalwa)
    2013 -
  • Featured article: stabilization of human interferon-{Alpha}1 mRNA by its antisense RNA.
    2013 -
  • Regulatory RNA (A special issue to Frontiers in Bioscience as a managing editor; http://www.bioscience.org/special-issue-details?editor_id=193
    2012 -
Education (2):
  • - 1985 Kansai Medical University Graduate School, Division of Medicine Microbiology
  • - 1980 Kansai Medical University Faculty of Medicine Department of Medicine
Professional career (1):
  • Doctor of Medical Sciences (Kansai Medical University)
Work history (2):
  • 2010/04/01 - Shiga University of Medical Science
  • 2007/04/01 - Kansai Medical University
Committee career (8):
  • 2013/10 - 2015/10 茨木市新型インフルエンザ等対策審議会 茨木市新型インフルエンザ等対策審議会 委員、会長
  • 2014/05 - 2015/03 草津市新型インフルエンザ等対策有識者会議 草津市新型インフルエンザ等対策有識者会議委員
  • 2013/10 - 2013/10 日本ウイルス学会 第61回 日本ウイルス学会学術集会プログラム委員
  • 2013/05 - 日本臨床分子形態学会 評議員
  • 2012/10 - 2012/10 日本ウイルス学会 第60回 日本ウイルス学会学術集会プログラム委員
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Awards (2):
  • 2010/09 - 第42回日本臨床分子形態学会論文賞
  • 1984/04 - The British Council Scholarship (84/85 JPN/2201/268)
Association Membership(s) (9):
The International Cytokine & Interferon Society ,  The American Society for Cell Biology ,  Society for General Microbiology ,  Japanese Society for Bacteriology ,  The Japanese Society for Clinical Molecular Morphology ,  The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan ,  The RNA Society of Japan ,  The Molecular Biology Society of Japan ,  The Japanese Society for Virology
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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