J-GLOBAL ID:200901043531241540
Update date: Jan. 17, 2024
Ehara Yoshiro
エハラ ヨシロウ | Ehara Yoshiro
Affiliation and department:
Juntendo University School of Medicine, Biological Engneering
About Juntendo University School of Medicine, Biological Engneering
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Detailed information
Research field (4):
Communication and network engineering
, Biomaterials
, Biomedical engineering
, Neuroscience - general
Research keywords (6):
, 医用生体工学
, ディジタル信号処理
, Acoustically Evoked Potentials
, Biomedical Engineering
, Digital Signal Processing
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
Design of fuzzy filter and it's application to biological signal processing
Study on Acoustically Evoked Potentials
Study on Digital Signal Processing of Biological Data
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MISC (80):
H Yonemoto, H Nishina, K Yoshida, K Kinoshita, Y Ehara. Power spectral analysis of the heart rate variability of goat fetuses during extrauterine incubation. ARTIFICIAL ORGANS. 2004. 28. 8. 704-708
順天堂大学におけるITを活用した医学教育支援への試み. 大学教育と情報. 2004. 12. 4. 4-6
生体と工学. 工学情報. 2004. 2004冬号,2-16
N Nishioka, H Nishina, K Yoshida, K Kinoshita, Y Ehara. Effect of hypoxia on the auditory system of goat fetuses during extrauterine incubation. JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY RESEARCH. 2003. 29. 2. 109-114
N Nishioka, H Nishina, K Yoshida, K Kinoshita, Y Ehara. Effect of hypoxia on the auditory system of goat fetuses during extrauterine incubation. JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY RESEARCH. 2003. 29. 2. 109-114
Books (2):
ユーザーズ ディジタル信号処理
東京電機大学出版局 1991
User's Digital Signal Processing
Education (4):
- 1975 Tokyo Denki University Graduate School of Engineering
- 1975 Tokyo Denki University Graduate School, Division of Engineering
- 1972 Tokyo Denki University School of Engineering
- 1972 Tokyo Denki University Faculty of Engineering
Professional career (3):
Doctor of Medicine (Juntendo University)
Doctor of Engineering (Meiji University)
Master of Engineering (Tokyo Denki University)
Work history (8):
1985 - 1997 Juntendo University Faculty of Medicine
1985 - 1997 Juntendo University, Lecturer
1990 - 1992 Meiji University
1990 - 1992 Meiji University, part-time Lecturer
1976 - 1985 Juntendo University Faculty of Medicine
1976 - 1985 Juntendo University, Research Assistant
1985 - - 東京電機大学 非常勤講師
1985 - - Tokyo Denki University, part-time Lecturer
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Association Membership(s) (6):
, 日本ファジイ学会
, 日本臨床神経生理学会
, 日本聴覚医学会
, 電子情報通信学会
, 日本ME学会
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