Kenichiro Kawamoto, Keiko Yamamoto, Natsumi Noguchi, Hidetsugu Kawashima, Akio Tabuchi, Tenji Wake. Evaluation of the relationship between color discriminability, color categorization, and glare perception while wearing colored lenses in young adults. I-PERCEPTION. 2014. 5. 4. 367-367
Ayumi Maki, Kenichiro Kawamoto, Norihiro Mita, Hiroshi Kaneko, Tomoki Tokutake, Syota Fujio, Motoyasu Otsuka, Kazutaka Kani, Akio Tabuchi. Evaluating the relationship between the psychometric function of visual acuity and the properties of ocular optical systems. Asia ARVO 2013 Abstract book. 2013. 212