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Renaissance in China and the Quarrel of the Ancients and Moderns in the West in : Hikaku bunmei gaku no riron to hoho, Koza hikaku bunmei, dai-1-kan(Vol. 1. of the Series of Comparative Civilizations, Theory and Method of the Comparative Study of Civ・・・
Asakura Shoten, Tokyo, 1999 1999
- 1961 Kyoto University Graduate School, Division of Letters
- 1956 Kyoto University Faculty of Letters
- 1956 Kyoto University Faculty of Literature
Professional career (2):
Committee career (1):
1985 - 1995 (International Committee of Historical Sciences)国際歴史学会理事会 理事
Awards (2):
1984 - 吉田茂賞
1962 - エラスムス賞(オーストリア文部省)
Association Membership(s) (8):
, 日本政治学会
, 日本国際政治学会
, 史学研究会(京都大学)
, 史学会(東京大学)
, 日本西洋史学会
, 国際時間論研究学会(International Society for the Study of Time)
, (International Committee of Historical Sciences)国際歴史学会理事会