J-GLOBAL ID:200901044182230486
Update date: Mar. 17, 2008
Ohkubo Noriaki
オオクボ ノリアキ | Ohkubo Noriaki
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Civil law
Research keywords (2):
, Civil Law
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 契約法研究
- Study on contract law
MISC (7):
「賭博のための金銭消費貸借」. 原島重義先生傘寿「市民法学の歴史的・思想的展開」(九州大学出版会). 2006. 331-359
「動機の不法-今なおドイツ民法学に学ぶべきもの-」. 石部雅亮編・ドイツ民法典の編纂と法学(九州大学出版会). 1999
「民法総則と婚姻・協議離婚・養子縁組」. 佐賀大学経済論集. 1995. 28. 4. 88
General provisions of civil code and marriage, divorce by agreement, adoption. SAGA UNIVERSITY ECONOMIC REVIEW. 1995. 28. 4. 88
「裁判官による契約への介入(一)-(四・完)」. 佐賀大学経済論集. 1994. 27-29. 228
Education (4):
- - 1978 Kyushu University
- - 1978 Kyushu University Graduate School, Division of Law
- - 1976 Kyushu University School of Law
- - 1976 Kyushu University Faculty of Laws
Professional career (1):
Association Membership(s) (3):
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