Study on mechanisms controlling food intake in animals
Study on central nervous system controlling appetite in domestic animals
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Papers (16):
Mikako Shibata, Tatsuyuki Takahashi, Takaharu Kozakai, Junji Shindo, Yohei Kurose. Development of active jejunal glucose absorption in broiler chickens. Poultry Science. 2023. 102. 8. 102804-102804
T Takahashi, N Suzuki, R Ishii, S Toyoda, M Shibata, Y Azuma, Y Kurose. Egg laying performance and egg quality with Paracoccus carotinifaciens supplementation containing high astaxanthin levels. British poultry science. 2022. 1-9
Yoshihiro Suzuki, Kiyohiko Takagishi, Yohei Kurose. Circadian rhythm in hypothalamic leptin receptor (Ob-Rb) mRNA expressions and cerebrospinal fluid and circulating glucose and leptin levels in lactating rats. Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports. 2021. 28. 101129-101129
M Shibata, T Takahashi, T Kozakai, M Kakudo, S Kasuga, Y Azuma, Y Kurose. Active transport of glucose across the jejunal epithelium decreases with age in broiler chickens. Poultry science. 2019. 98. 6. 2570-2576