J-GLOBAL ID:200901044679150265
Update date: Jan. 30, 2024
Akimaru Kunihiro
アキマル クニヒロ | Akimaru Kunihiro
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Research keywords (1):
Academic-Industry relations
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
- 2023 - 2027 Comprehensive development strategy of modality-specific "intellectual property" and "cultivation" with an eye on "pharmaceutical affairs" in academia drug discovery
- 2022 - 2025 産学連携の共同研究における学生の関与に関する調査研究
- 2021 - 2024 An empirical study on clarifying the present state of collaboration between a company and a university, in order to examine problems and solutions of activating local innovation.
- 2016 - 2018 Development and evaluation of the underwear to support muscle strength with posture corrective functions during antepartum and postpartum period
- 2006 - 2007 Research on non-familial kidney cancer receptivity gene by SNP analysis
- 2005 - 2007 Prevention for allergic diseases by clarification of interaction between environmental chemicals and genes of eosinophil-related protein
- 2001 - 2003 分子生物学的手法によるGS-Xポンプを指標とした化学物質の健康影響評価
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Papers (10):
Toshihiro KITAMURA, Kazumasa KAWASAKI, Satoshi TAKESHITA, Kunihiro AKIMARU. Comparison of External Research Fundings Accepted by 9 National Universities in the Chugoku and Shikoku Regions. 2023. 19. 2. 30-38
Toshihiro KITAMURA, Kazumasa KAWASAKI, Satoshi TAKESHITA, Kunihiro AKIMARU, Morihiko NAKAMURA. Analysis of continuity of cooperative researches between Shimane University and companies in Shimane Prefecture. 2022. 18. 2. 66-73
Toshihiro Kitamura, Kazumasa Kawasaki, Satoshi Takeshita, Kunihiro Akimaru. An empirical study on clarifying the state of cooperative research from 2014FY to 2018FY of Shimane University. Journal of the Japan Society for Intellectual Production. 2021. 17. 2. 102-112
Makiko Ushiyama, Kunihiro Akimaru. Practice and challenges of high school-university-local government collaborative fieldwork activities aimed at regional revitalization of Ikata Town in New Normal. 2021. 5. 1. 69-74
Daisuke Hattori, Kunihiro Akimaru, Naoko Nishikata, Toshihiro Kitamura. Characteristic and issues of collaborative research on artificial intelligence (AI) at Japanese local national universities -Case of Ehime University, Shimane University, and University of Miyazaki-. Journal of the Japan Society for Intellectual Production. 2021. 17. 1. 69-84
MISC (48):
川崎一正, 勝見一生, 北村寿宏, 竹下哲史, 秋丸國廣. 地方大学における産学共同研究の実状解明の実証的研究-17 新潟大学における共同研究の相手先の地理的分布. 産学連携学会大会講演予稿集(CD-ROM). 2021. 19th
北村寿宏, 川崎一正, 竹下哲史, 秋丸國廣. 島根大学における島根県内企業との共同研究の実施状況と継続性. 産学連携学会大会講演予稿集(CD-ROM). 2021. 19th
University name notation on products born through industry-academia collaboration. Journal of Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration. 2020. 2020. 6. 13-15
T Taguchi, K Akimaru, H Hirai, Y Hirai, JM Mwenda, K Yuri. A probe generated by chromosome microdissection, useful for analyzing Y chromosome evolution in Old World monkeys. CHROMOSOME RESEARCH. 2003. 11. 2. 147-152
T Taguchi, H Sonobe, S Toyonaga, Yamasaki, I, T Shuin, A Takano, K Araki, K Akimaru, K Yuri. Conventional and molecular cytogenetic characterization of a new human cell line, GIST-T1, established from gastrointestinal stromal tumor. LABORATORY INVESTIGATION. 2002. 82. 5. 663-665
Books (4):
Cell growth inhibition by antitumor prostaglandins and its modutation by MRP/GS-X pump. (共著)
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 1997
Transport of glutathione S-cojugates from cancer cells : Function and structure of GS-X pump. (共著)
in "Glutahione S-Transferases : Structure, Function and Clinical Implications", International ISSX-Workshop on Glutathione S-Transferases, Taylor and Francis, London. 1995
SODの基礎と臨床 第3章B-1白血球の活性化と活性酸素種の生成機構(共著)
日本アクセル・シュプリンガ-出版 1992
Involvement of protein kinases in the priming and activation of superoxide generation in human neutrophils. (共著)
Oxygen radicals : Proceeding of the 5th international congress on oxygen radicals : Active oxygen, lipid 1992
Lectures and oral presentations (4):
(産学連携学会関西・中四国支部研究・事例発表会 2019)
愛媛大学の産学官連携実績に関する分析 -その2-
(産学連携学会関西・中四国支部研究・事例発表会 2017)
(産学連携学会関西・中四国支部研究・事例発表会 2016)
(産学連携学会第14回大会 2016)
Education (4):
- - 1990 Ehime University
- - 1990 Ehime University Graduate School, Division of Agricltural Sciences
- - 1985 Kochi University
- - 1985 Kochi University Faculty of Agriculture
Professional career (1):
Work history (6):
Association Membership(s) (1):
Japan Society for Intellectual Production
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