J-GLOBAL ID:200901044807905754   Update date: Sep. 04, 2024

Zaiki Masumi

ザイキ マスミ | Zaiki Masumi
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Homepage URL  (1): http://www.seismology.harvard.edu/people/zaiki.html
Research field  (3): Geography ,  Atmospheric and hydrospheric science ,  Sociology/history of science and technology
Research keywords  (9): Climatology ,  Historical climatology ,  Climate variability ,  the Little Ice Age ,  Data-rescue ,  Physical Geography ,  Geographical Information Science ,  Geography ,  History of Science and Technology
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (23):
  • 2024 - 2028 高分解能マルチプロキシによる過去数百年の日本の寒候期気候復元
  • 2024 - 2027 Derivation of Hourly Data from Meteorological Autographs and Long-Term Variability Analysis of Climate Extremes in Tokyo during the 20th Century
  • 2023 - 2027 Re-examination of climate and history around Japan during the 1860s based on Dutch ship logbook records
  • 2024 - 2025 Unlocking the Treasure Trove: Analog Data for Studying the Climate Change and Beyond
  • 2019 - 2024 Climate change and social transformation in colonial Southeast Asia
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Papers (42):
  • Masayoshi ISHII, Hirotaka KAMAHORI, Hisayuki KUBOTA, Masumi ZAIKI, Ryo MIZUTA, Hiroaki KAWASE, Masaya NOSAKA, Hiromasa YOSHIMURA, Naga OSHIMA, Eiki SHINDO, et al. Global Historical Reanalysis with a 60-km AGCM and Surface Pressure Observations: OCADA. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II. 2024
  • KUBOTA Hisayuki, TSUKAHARA Togo, HIRANO Junpei, MATSUMOTO Jun, ZAIKI Masumi, MIKAMI Takehiko, ALLAN Rob, WILKINSON Clive, WILKINSON Sally, DE JONG Alice. Typhoon Analysis in the Vicinity of Japan Using the Instrumental Meteorological Data Recorded in the Ship Logs of Foreign Vessels during the Late Edo Period. E-journal GEO. 2023. 18. 2. 412-422
  • Atsushi MIYASHITA, Masumi ZAIKI. Meteorological Data Acquisition at the Original Location of the Seikei Meteorological Observatory. Seikei Studies on Education for Sustainable Development. 2023. 5. 31-40
  • Masumi ZAIKI, Theo BRANDSMA. Data Rescue of Rainfall Records from the Dutch East Indies. Geographical Reports of Tokyo Metropolitan University. 2023. 58. 79-85
  • Junpei HIRANO, Takehiko MIKAMI, Masumi ZAIKI. Analysis of early Japanese meteorological data and historical weather documents to reconstruct the winter climate between the 1840s and the early 1850s. Climate of the Past. 2022. 18. 2. 327-339
MISC (59):
  • 財城 真寿美. 特集・いまどきの大学講義『「反転授業」の導入』. 月刊『地理』. 2022. 67. 12. 32-35
  • 財城 真寿美. 書架『雷の疑問56』(鴨川仁・吉田智・森本健志著). 月刊『地理』. 2022. 67. 2. 101
  • 財城真寿美. 書架『みわたす・つなげる自然地理学』(小野映介・吉田圭一郎編). 月刊『地理』. 2022. 67. 1. 127
  • 財城真寿美. 書架『地図帳の深読み 100年の変遷』(今尾惠介著). 月刊『地理』. 2021. 66. 11. 100
  • 宮下敦, 財城真寿美. 成蹊気象観測所創設地での気象データを調べる. 成蹊学園サステナビリティ教育研究センター リレーコラム. 2021. 29
Books (11):
  • 歴史の蹊,史料の杜 -史資料体験が開く日本史・世界史の扉
    風間書房 2023 ISBN:9784759924688
  • 地理学事典
    丸善出版 2023 ISBN:9784621307939
  • 古気候の復元と年代論の構築(中塚武,對馬あかね,佐野雅規 編)
    臨川書店 2021 ISBN:9784653045021
  • 現代地政学事典
    丸善出版 2020 ISBN:9784621304631
  • Tokyo as a Global City (Kikuchi T., Sugai T. Eds)
    Springer 2018
Lectures and oral presentations  (95):
  • Meteorological Observation Records at Dejima, Nagasaki in the 19th Century
    (International Symposium for the 200 years Anniversary of the Arrival of Von Siebold at Nagasaki, with special reference to Meteorological Observation at Dejima from the viewpoint of Environmental History and East-West Exchange. 2023)
  • Meteorological observations performed by P. F. von Siebold
    (2023 Annual Meeting of the Ichthyological Society of Japan: Symposium "The Siebold's fish collection and his diary of the court journey to Edo" 2023)
  • 19th century meteorological records in Japan and its scientific use
    (The 16th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia. 2023)
  • 大学地理教育を通じたSDGs・ESDの推進
    (学術フォーラム「SDGsの達成に資するESDカリキュラムの開発」 2023)
  • 19世紀の日本における気象観測の記録とその気候変動研究での利用
    (奈良地理学会2023年度夏季例会 2023)
Education (3):
  • 2001 - 2004 Tokyo Metropolitan University Graduate School of Science Department of Geography
  • 1999 - 2001 Tokyo Metropolitan University Graduate School of Science Department of Geography
  • 1994 - 1999 Nara Women's University Faculty of Letters Department of Geography
Professional career (2):
  • MS (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
  • Ph.D in Science (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Work history (20):
  • 2024/04 - 現在 Harvard University Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Visiting Scholar
  • 2020/04 - 現在 Seikei University Faculty of Economics Professor
  • 2018/04 - 現在 Seikei University Seikei Education and Research Center for Sustainable Development Member
  • 2005/04 - 現在 The University of Tokyo Center for Spatial Information Science at the University of Tokyo Visiting Researcher
  • 2022/04 - 2024/03 Seikei University Advisor to the President
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Committee career (19):
  • 2024/04 - 現在 日本地理学会 Geographical Review of Japan Series B編集専門委員会
  • 2021 - 現在 日本地球惑星科学連合 SDGs推進タスクフォースメンバー
  • 2021 - 現在 Japan Geoscience Union Human Geosciences Section Board Member
  • 2016/04 - 現在 公益財団法人東京観光財団 東京シティガイド検定公式テキスト作成分科会委員
  • 2016 - 現在 日本地球惑星科学連合 プログラム委員会委員
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Awards (2):
  • 2022 - Seikei University Seikei University Teaching Award
  • 2006 - “Best Oral Presentation Award for Young Scientist”, ESF-JSPS Frontier Science Conference for Young Researchers -Climate Change-.
Association Membership(s) (5):
Paleosciences Society ,  The Meteorological Society of Japan ,  The History of Science Society of Japan ,  Geographic Informantion System Association ,  The Association of Japanese Geographers
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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