J-GLOBAL ID:200901044993563221
Update date: Sep. 27, 2022
Yoshizawa Yukio
ヨシザワ ユキオ | Yoshizawa Yukio
Affiliation and department:
Research field (2):
, Inorganic and coordination chemistry
Research keywords (5):
, 放射生物学
, 細菌遺伝学
, Radio chemistry
, Bacterial genetics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
- 極限環境生物の耐性機構の解析
- イメージングプレートによる放射線測定法の開発
- 黄色ブドウ球菌の病原因子
- Radioluminography
- Virulence factors of Staphylococcus aureus
MISC (44):
FURUTA Etsuko, YOKOTA Shigeaki, ABURAI Tamaru, YOSHIZAWA Yukio. Evaluation of Radiation Exposure from Shoe-Deodorants as Radioactive Consumer Products. Radioisotopes. 2007. 56. 8. 443-453
FURUTA Etsuko, MORITA(MURASE) Yuko, YOSHIZAWA Yukio. Evaluation of Internal/External Exposure from Interior Building Materials(Part 2: Japanese Papers). Japanese Journal of Health Physics. 2007. 42. 4. 341-348
S Sakurai, H Suzuki, T Hata, Y Yoshizawa, R Nakayama, K Machida, S Masuda, T Tsayama. A novel positive regulatory element for exfoliative toxin A gene expression in Staphylococcus aureus. MICROBIOLOGY-SGM. 2004. 150. 4. 945-952
S Sakurai, H Suzuki, T Hata, Y Yoshizawa, R Nakayama, K Machida, S Masuda, T Tsayama. A novel positive regulatory element for exfoliative toxin A gene expression in Staphylococcus aureus. MICROBIOLOGY-SGM. 2004. 150. 945-952
Cerenkov counting of low energy beta-emitters using a new ceramic with high refractive index. Appl. Rad. Isot. 2004. 61, 1335-37
Books (6):
A possible role of staphylococcal cell wall proteins capable of binding with laminin and collagen IV in staphylococcal infection, (共著)
In Mollby, R. , Flock, J. I. , Nord, C. E. , and Christensson, B. (ed. ), Staphylococci and staphylococcal infections, Zbl. Bakl. Suppl. 26, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart. 1994
Studies on toxicity and immunogenicity of staphylococcal exfoliative toxin B, (共著)
In Mollby, R. , Flock, J. I. , Nord, C. E. , and Christensson, B. (ed. ), Staphylococci and staphylococcal infections, Zbl. Bakt. Suppl. 26, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart. 1994
Isolation of mutants defective in laminin-, collagen-and fibronectin-binding proteins from Staphylococcus aureus Cowan I, (共著)
In Jeljaszewicz, J. and Ciborowski, P. (ed), The Staphylococci, Zbl. Bakt. Suppl. 21, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart. 1991
ブドウ球菌研究会編、ブドウ球菌、医歯薬出版、東京 1986
Transformation in the staphylococcal system, (共著)
In Jeljaszewicz, J. (ed. ), Staphylococci, Zbl. Bakl. Suppl. 14, Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart. 1985
Lectures and oral presentations (1):
(第80回日本細菌学会総会 2007)
Education (2):
- - 1977 Tokyo Metropolitan University Faculty of Science
- - 1977 Tokyo Metropolitan University Faculty of Science
Professional career (1):
Association Membership(s) (7):
, 日本ブドウ球菌研究会
, 日本化学療法学会
, 日本放射化学会
, 日本保健物理学会
, 日本細菌学会
, アメリカ微生物学会(American Society for Microbiology)
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