Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
1995 - 2005 (1)Public Religion as a viewpoint for religion and society (2)Modern Spiritualism as a viewpoint for religion and other worlds
2000 - 2002 Comparative study of religious education in Japan and Korea
Papers (73):
津城,寛文. 日本の頂点文化と癒し. 臨床心理学. 2020
津城,寛文. The Peak Culture of Japan: Minimalistic Achievements. Journal of International and Advanced Japanese Studies. 2020. 12. 91-104
津城,寛文. The Intoxication anf Awakening in the Ttansformation of Body and Mind. 身心変容技法研究. 2019. 8. 211-217
津城,寛文. For the Translation and Presentation of the Japanese Language in an Evolving Multilingual World. Journal of International and Advanced Japanese Studies. 2019. 11. 73-87
津城,寛文. For the Translation and Presentation of the Japanese Language in an Evolving Multilingual World. Journal of International and Advanced Japanese Studies. 2019. 11. 73-87