J-GLOBAL ID:200901045687419504   Update date: Nov. 27, 2024

Yoshii Chiyo

ヨシイ チヨ | Yoshii Chiyo
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (1): Literature - British/English-languag
Research keywords  (5): medical humanities ,  文理融合 ,  神経科学 ,  アメリカ文学 ,  English and American Literature
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (10):
  • 2021 - 2025 How Literature Plays with Biological sciences-Beyond Biopolitics
  • 2005 - 2009 19世紀末のアメリカ文学とナショナリズムの諸相-グローバル化の中の国家と文学
  • 2005 - Late Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Nationalism
  • 2001 - 2004 世紀転換期のグローバリゼーションとアメリカ文学
  • 2001 - Globalization and American Literature at the Turn of the Century
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Papers (9):
  • Chiyo Yoshii. Toward the Germ Theory : Edgar Allan Poe and Disease. Poe Studies: History, Theory, Interpretation. 2024. 57. 110-125
  • Chiyo Yoshii. Humanity as Matter: Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Vivacious Materialism in “The Birth-mark” and “Rappaccini’s Daughter”. Literary Imagination. 2020
  • Chiyo Yoshii. Anti-Capitalist Plasticity: The Ambassadors and the Biology of Rejuvenation. Henry James Review. 2020. 41. 2
  • Yoshii, Chiyo. Fostering Logical Thinking, Empathy,and Creativity by Reading Literary Texts: A Neuroscientific Approach. Proceedings of The Asian Conference on Education 2017. 2018
  • YOSHII Chiyo. The American and the Romance of Modernity. 1997
MISC (8):
  • YOSHII Chiyo. America's Darwin: Darwinian Theory and U.S. Literary Culture, edited by Tina Giaquitto and Lydia Fisher. American Literary Online Review. 2016
  • Money, Cultural Hybridity, and the International Age : The Golden Bowl. 2004. PP, 4-31
  • 好井 千代. 「万博の「茶褐色のレディ」-『メイジーの知ったこと』の人種観-」. 英文學春秋. 1998. 2. 3. 27-42
  • ヨーロッパを広告するChad-Henry James,The Ambassadors試論- Advertising Europe: The Ambassadors. 英語青年. 1991. 136. 11. 13-15
  • Yoshii Chiyo. Parisian Values as Ideology in The Ambassadors. Machikaneyama Ronso. 1989. 23. 15-32
Books (7):
  • 『ドラマティック・アメリカ』、「クレオールのオズモンドー『ある婦人の肖像』ともうひとつのアメリカ」
    英宝社 2002
  • 藤井治彦先生退官記念論文集、"The Brown Lady: Race and Money in What Maisie Knew"
    英宝社 2000
  • "The Brown Lady : Race and Money in <i>What Maisie Knew</i>(jointly worked)
    Essays Presented to Professor Haruhiko Fujii on the Occasion of His Retirement from Osaka University 英宝社 2000
  • "Henry James and Oscar Wilde : Artists in the World of the Mass Market
    Eihosha 1996
  • 『イメージとしての都市-学際的都市文化論』,「都市と消費-世紀末パリ風景を中心として」
    南雲堂 1996
Lectures and oral presentations  (20):
  • “Using neuroscientific findings on the gray zone of consciousness as teaching materials for bioethics, social policy, and research methodology classes”
    (Social Neuroscience for Education and Development 2024)
  • ‘In the Cage’and the Neuroscience of Fiction Reading
    (9th International Henry James Conference 2023)
  • “Sentient” Fungi: “The Fall of the House of Usher” and the Emerging Germ Theory of Disease
    (The Fifth International Edgar Allan Poe Conference: Poe Takes Boston 2022)
  • The Other, Narrative, Resilience
    (TWO CULTURES: TWO SENSES: How the arts and humanities can contribute to Healthcare Education and facilitate improved intercultural understanding in Japan and the UK. SEMINAR AND WORKSHOP I A SENSE OF THE OTHER 2021)
  • Humanity as Matter: Hawthorne and Vivacious Materialism
    (International Poe & Hawthorne Conference 2018)
Education (4):
  • - 1984 Osaka University Graduate School, Division of Letters
  • - 1984 Osaka University
  • - 1982 Osaka City University Faculty of Letters German Literature
  • - 1982 Osaka City University Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences
Awards (1):
  • 1993 - 福原賞
Association Membership(s) (3):
Modern Language Association of America ,  日本英文学会 ,  THE AMERICAN LITERATURE SOCIETY OF JAPAN
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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