Research keywords (4):
, Self-regulated learning
, English education
, 翻訳における言語間ストラテジー
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
2023 - 2027 パラフレーズを促すTILTの実証研究
2017 - 2022 学習者特性に応じた自己調整学習力の強化のための介入方法の検討
2014 - 2018 How to Use a Self-Regulate Learning Model in English Classes at Japanese Universities
2008 - 2012 Research into the construction of a sustainable community model in Nepal, based on a system of community networking
2005 - 2007 Construction and Development of an Environmental Education Module based on Knowledge Gathered in Nepal
Papers (18):
Kuniko Yoshida, Takayuki Kato, Yoshihiro Minamitsu. How to Use a Self-Regulated Learning Model in English Classes at Japanese Universities. KOTESOL Proceedings 2016. 2017. 341-350
Analyzing Japanese-English news translations : A case study on translation shifts and strategies. Media, English and communication : a journal of the Japan Association for Media English Studies. 2014. 4. 79-96
吉田 国子. 語彙からみた大学リスニング教材. 東京都市大学横浜キャンパス情報メディアジャーナル = Journal of information studies. 2013. 14. 93-96
Text Mining in English Education Research. 2013. 6. 39-44
吉田 国子. コーパス分析からみた大学英語教科書. 東京都市大学横浜キャンパス情報メディアジャーナル = Journal of information studies. 2012. 13. 122-125
Yoshida Kuniko, Kato Takayuki, Minamitsu Yoshihiro. Analyzing Learning Logs based on Self-regulated Learning Theory : Focus on Proficiency Level(Intercultural Communicative Competence and English Language Education in a Globalized World). 2015. 54. 75-76
- 1990 Teachers College, Columbia University, U.S.A TESOL
- 1981 Seijo University Faculty of Arts and Literature
Professional career (1):
M.A. in TESOL (Teachers College, Columbia University. U.S.A)
Work history (2):
Tokyo City University Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Tokyo City University Faculty of Environmental and Information Studies, Department of Information Ecology Studies, Musashi-Institute of Technology Associate Professor